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Russian Ukraine Invasion

RainbowUnicorn Offline
i like this guy
he is very comprehensive

(Nov 19, 2022 02:04 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Who video’d POW shoot? Seems out of place with the plethora of pro Ukrainian battle vids out there. Figured strict orders to troops to not partake or if they do, not to video these events. Could this have been staged? For all I know this could have been theatrically produced in Moscow. Either way it ends up good propaganda for Russians.

yes it could be russians killing their own soldiers for desertion and blaming it on ukrainians.

A very good video showing the power of spotter drones to uncover a SAM (tor) followed by very accurate artillery strike on it.
Yazata Offline
Something ruptured the pipeline. It could have been sabotage I guess. These kind of ruptures are often caused by construction work. (Construction workers digging out foundations and such should have maps of where the gas lines are.) Could also simply be bad welds in an old pipe that finally gave way. (In Russia, that one might be likely.)

It looks to me like the natural gas in the line wasn't pressurized very highly. There was a similar explosion in San Bruno (a San Francisco suburb) in 2010 that made a screaming sound like a jet engine and shot a pillar of fire into the air like a blow torch. Responding firemen actually believed that it was a jet plane crash. Turned out to be the pressurized supply pipeline running up the Peninsula that supplies natural gas to the city of San Francisco.

Video from the outskirts of St. Petersburg Russia
RainbowUnicorn Offline
no real change in the front line
russia targets one of its own sam radar sites and calls it ukrainin

Artur mentions the losses in Russian Tanks being around 43%
and on paper they have thousands in reserve
but when you look at the massive wide scale corruption in the russian military and political system its obvious those tanks would have been stripped for parts to be sold & used for other things.
AND there would have been no money spent on maintenance

i wonder how many working tanks they have in reserve

but !!!
Tanks are useless without drivers & gunners
& they lack both
while they may be able to roll out tanks on train tracks they lack ground troops to support them and lack experience on how to drive them.

hopefully Ukraine uses its multi bomb drones to target the Orc camp fires at night time
1 grenade into the middle of a fire at night with orcs standing around it will be awesome
the camp fires should stand out and make easy targets on thermals

Russia using phosphorous again

if the orcs cant sleep during the night they will try to sleep during the day which is less time they will be firing weapons at Ukraine.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
Denys has moved himself & his family to another country for safety, education of his child & so he can continue producing videos and re certify as a pilot & look for work.
i hope one of the European countrys looks after him & his wife & daughter.
it reminds me of how many children will be missing out on school.

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