Russian Ukraine Invasion

Magical Realist Offline we go...let's start killing each other again.

"The United States believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine and has communicated those plans to the Russian military, Western and defense officials have told the PBS NewsHour.

Two additional administration officials tell the NewsHour that they expect the invasion to begin next week—reiterating what U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Feb. 10.

The White House said Friday that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could come within the week and urged Americans to leave the country now.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. still did not know if Russian President Vladimir Putin had made a decision to invade, but that all the elements are now in place for a rapid incursion.

“The risk is high enough and the threat is now immediate enough that prudence demands that it is the time [for Americans] to leave now,” Sullivan said.

“We are not saying that a decision has been taken by President Putin,” Sullivan said. “What we are saying is that we have a sufficient level of concern based on what we are seeing on the ground, and what our intelligence analysts have picked up, that we are sending this clear message.”

Defense officials anticipate a bloody campaign that begins with two days of aerial bombardment and electronic warfare, followed by an invasion, with the possible goal of regime change.

NATO Ambassador Julie Smith briefed the North Atlantic Council on this new intelligence this morning.

By — Nick Schifrin
Syne Offline
This is what happens when the US has weak leadership that appeases dictators and the like. Trump played friendly while imposing serious sanctions (more than Obama) on the likes of Russia.
Zinjanthropos Offline
What happens if Poots is beaten back by Ukrainians?
Syne Offline
(Feb 13, 2022 01:07 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: What happens if Poots is beaten back by Ukrainians?

Pigs will fly.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Ukraine supposedly has no nuclear arsenal anymore. Even if that’s true I believe they have at least 15 nuclear power plants or 15 potential Chernobyl’s. Would they create a nuclear accident or two as a last resort?
Syne Offline
Most countries are not going to kamikaze their own land and people.
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Feb 13, 2022 03:20 AM)Syne Wrote: Most countries are not going to kamikaze their own land and people.

Capitulation could save a lot of bloodshed.
Syne Offline
That's the same attitude that emboldened Russia in the first place. Bullies only attack when there's no one who will stop them (an impotent Biden administration) and a weak target (the much smaller Ukraine). Surrendering to a bully only proves to them that they can get away with it. So how many other former Soviet countries will have to give up their sovereignty to Russia?

And if that's accepted by the international community, why shouldn't the US take over Canada?
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Feb 13, 2022 03:38 AM)Syne Wrote: That's the same attitude that emboldened Russia in the first place. Bullies only attack when there's no one who will stop them (an impotent Biden administration) and a weak target (the much smaller Ukraine). Surrendering to a bully only proves to them that they can get away with it. So how many other former Soviet countries will have to give up their sovereignty to Russia?

And if that's accepted by the international community, why shouldn't the US take over Canada?

We wouldn’t know what to do with all the American POW’s. Where would you guys go to dodge the draft?

Hey, wasn’t it the world who didn’t want Trump? Did that include Ukraine?
Syne Offline
(Feb 13, 2022 03:59 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
(Feb 13, 2022 03:38 AM)Syne Wrote: That's the same attitude that emboldened Russia in the first place. Bullies only attack when there's no one who will stop them (an impotent Biden administration) and a weak target (the much smaller Ukraine). Surrendering to a bully only proves to them that they can get away with it. So how many other former Soviet countries will have to give up their sovereignty to Russia?

And if that's accepted by the international community, why shouldn't the US take over Canada?

We wouldn’t know what to do with all the American POW’s. Where would you guys go to dodge the draft?

Hey, wasn’t it the world who didn’t want Trump? Did that include Ukraine?

Yeah, because Canadians (especially the French ones) are really known for their military prowess. One VFW post could probably handle a single province on its own. No need to dodge a draft that's basically just a paid vacation. All the polite Canadians would just welcome the new occupying forces.

Ukraine was pretty quick to kiss up to Trump, despite trying to help Clinton during the campaign.

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