Russian Ukraine Invasion

Syne Offline
The real question is did they pulling out all military support before the evacuation order. And are they going to claim "we just couldn't get ahold of all the Americans in country" again?
Magical Realist Online
Diplomatic efforts seem to be continuing. Putin still insists he isn't invading.He claims weapons are being pulled off the frontlines. Ukraine in the meantime is have a national holiday of unity! Biden warns of swift and powerful response if he attacks a NATO country. What a bizarre situation.
Syne Offline
Not bizarre at all. Putin already annexed Crimea. And with a weak leader like Biden, he's bound to see what he can get away with.
Magical Realist Online
Crimea is minute compared to Ukraine. I doubt Putin has enough troops to invade the whole country. Plus invading a country is generally a bad move politically. It tends to cut you off from the rest of the world. And it's very expensive to maintain particularly when you're Communist and the people hate your guts.

[Image: kiev-red-highlighted-in-map-of-the-ukrai...1185645215]
[Image: kiev-red-highlighted-in-map-of-the-ukrai...1185645215]

Magical Realist Online
Looks like Putin is using false flag operations dealing with a thwarted chlorine tank explosion in order to manufacture a pretext to attack Ukraine. What a devious little shit he is.

"Russian news agencies are amplifying claims that they have prevented an attempt from Ukraine to explode a chlorine gas tank in separatist territory, Horlivka, in what experts say appears to be the latest attempt from Russia to claim Ukraine is the aggressor and create a pretext to invade.

Ukrainian intelligence warned last month of this very prospect. Ukraine’s defense intelligence agency warned that Russia was preparing to use the presence of chemicals in the same location, Horlivka, as a pretense to attack or advance its aggression against Ukraine.

The news comes just as fears around the world mount that Russia might claim a pretext—and even fabricate one—to invade Ukraine. And at this hour, concerns appear higher than ever that Russia might be poised to launch an all-out assault on Ukraine. Russian media has claimed in recent hours there was an explosion in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR), in what could be the long-awaited false flag operation from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Claims are circulating that the explosion was a car bomb targeting the head of Donbas regional security, Denis Sinenkov."
Magical Realist Online

WASHINGTON — "President Joe Biden announced new sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, warning that Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine amounted to "the beginning of a Russian invasion."

"We still believe that Russia is poised to go much further and launch a massive military attack against Ukraine," Biden said.

The sanctions will target the Russian bank VEB and Russia’s sovereign debt, cutting the country off from Western financing. In the coming days, the sanctions will also target "Russia’s elites and their family members," Biden said.

Biden also said that he was moving some U.S. troops and equipment that are already in Europe to strengthen Baltic allies, but said that it was a "defensive" move. "We have no intention of fighting Russia," Biden said.

"As Russia contemplates this next move, we have our next move prepared as well. Russia will pay an even steeper price if it continues its aggression, including additional sanctions," Biden warned.

Putin on Monday formally recognized the independence of two Moscow-backed breakaway regions in the eastern part of Ukraine and ordered troops into the territories to carry out what he called "peacekeeping functions."
Kornee Offline
The breathtaking hypocrisy and irony of Blinken's continually updated with the same old same old "here's some false flag scenarios we think Putin will use as a pretext for invading...".
Well isn't it just too bad the compliant MSM wasn't independent and ballsy enough back in 2001, 2003. To have been relentlessly repeating that theme but correctly aimed at the Bush regime's
BS FF claims directed at Osama bin Laden pre Afghanistan invasion/decimation, and Saddam Hussein pre Iraq invasion/decimation.

No, Osama could not have masterminded 9-11. And there were no 'weapons of mass destruction' secretly hidden away in Iraq. No 'secret purchases' of yellow-cake from Niger. No anthrax production. No cunningly hidden 'mobile chemical warfare factories'. All lies and known to be lies well ahead of the long planned invasions that long predated 9-11 - 'the new Pearl Harbor'.

Similar stories for Libya and Syria. And planned for Iran. Cui Bono.

What we are now seeing is the triumph of unashamed 'Western' propaganda.
Actually, of puppet-master oligarchy/plutocracy. The main problem for them is that Russia, like China, made a strongly nationalist direction while dealing effectively with Russia's own filthy rich looting Oligarchs.
An unforgivable sin in the eyes of 'spontaneous color revolution' planners like George Soros. No-one must be allowed to escape their Globalist fate.

PS - None of above should be interpreted as white-washing Russia. Putin himself is heavily implicated in the apartment block bombings prior to internal invasion Of Chechnya. But two wrongs don't make a right. And the levels of destruction, bloodshed, and ongoing misery in the aftermath of US led foreign invasions far exceeds that of Russia's internal campaigns over the same general period from late 1990s to present.
Kornee Offline
Russell Brand's take on it:
Posted my #27 before viewing either of them, but last one nicely echoes my Cui Bono comment. By safely leaving it at the (new) Dems vs (new) Repubs, war = armaments industry profits = good, Brand can safely continue on YT.
To touch the third rail and be banned, one has to be more specific, like name the actual oligarchs, or the major investors in the war machine racket.
Syne Offline
Ah, another conspiracy theorist.
Kornee Offline
(Feb 24, 2022 01:06 AM)Syne Wrote: Ah, another conspiracy theorist.

So, you believe conspiracies don't happen? Because if they do (and they do), any possible downside to 'theorizing' about them is imo far outweighed by the potential upside.
But that derogatory term 'conspiracy theorist' and variants, promoted as a smear by the CIA at the time of the Warren Commission (how to ignore not attempt to explain inconvenient facts re the 'Lone Gunman' official explanation), is somewhat ironic. Given the CIA is notionally in the business of uncovering conspiracies, and therefore needing to 'theorize' about such. Ditto FBI.

But tell me, is this well known but not wisely known episode consistent with a highest level US military conspiracy?:
And you think that was just some one-off rare aberration? I hope you are not that naive.

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