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Russian Ukraine Invasion

Yazata Offline
What appears to me to be a Ukrainian war crime:

A group of Russian soldiers is surrendering and coming out of a small building one by one with their hands up. About a dozen of them are lying flat on the ground.

And the last of the Russians comes out shooting. He is promptly shot and killed by the Ukrainians.

Then the Ukrainians shoot all the Russians on the ground in the head.

The Ukraine fan-bois on twitter are trying to argue that this is justified and not a war crime. But I'm not buying it.

I think that we can get too caught up in labeling one side "good guys" and the other "bad guys". Things might (arguably) approach that at the top leadership levels, but things are a lot more ambiguous on the ground level, where both sides are young men very much like each other, fighting for their countries or because they were drafted. I hate to see this.

Ukrainians are using "technicals", do-it-yourself Mad Max style war wagons.

Photographed in Kherson city.

[Image: Fh3PdOXWYAA_Kgk?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: Fh3PdOXWYAA_Kgk?format=jpg&name=large]

RainbowUnicorn Offline
russians on the ground may have had pistols and grenades (i guess ukrainians reacted as if they were all a threat they are in uniform & they are on the side that is deliberately targeting civilians)
(for all intents and purposes russian soldiers are willing terrorists)
C C Offline
(Nov 18, 2022 10:04 PM)Yazata Wrote: What appears to me to be a Ukrainian war crime:

A group of Russian soldiers is surrendering and coming out of a small building one by one with their hands up. About a dozen of them are lying flat on the ground.

And the last of the Russians comes out shooting. He is promptly shot and killed by the Ukrainians.

Then the Ukrainians shoot all the Russians on the ground in the head.

The Ukraine fan-bois on twitter are trying to argue that this is justified and not a war crime. But I'm not buying it.

I think that we can get too caught up in labeling one side "good guys" and the other "bad guys". Things might (arguably) approach that at the top leadership levels, but things are a lot more ambiguous on the ground level, where both sides are young men very much like each other, fighting for their countries or because they were drafted. I hate to see this.

Yah, no military in history has ever not done this on occasion during a large or extended conflict, with respect to at least some troops participating in such. Only issue is whether these will be prosecuted for it. With the overarching imbalance being that Russian troops who have committed war crimes probably aren't denounced by their government (even in private), all the more do to perhaps following orders at times.
Yazata Offline
Apparently Russian public opinion is angry as hell about this summary execution of POWs and there are loud cries in Russian media for the Russian army to take revenge.

The soldiers who shot the POWs were from the 80th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
C C Offline
(Nov 18, 2022 11:30 PM)Yazata Wrote: Apparently Russian public opinion is angry as hell about this summary execution of POWs and there are loud cries in Russian media for the Russian army to take revenge.

The irony is that they already did more than enough of that in advance, before Ukraine bit back.
confused2 Offline
Classic mis-dfirection. Don't look at an (estimated) 100,000 Ukrainians killed in by your 'special operation' but direct attention to a small number of Russians killed by angry Ukrainians as a direct consequence of invading their country.
Syne Offline
(Nov 18, 2022 10:04 PM)Yazata Wrote: What appears to me to be a Ukrainian war crime:

A group of Russian soldiers is surrendering and coming out of a small building one by one with their hands up. About a dozen of them are lying flat on the ground.

And the last of the Russians comes out shooting. He is promptly shot and killed by the Ukrainians.

Then the Ukrainians shoot all the Russians on the ground in the head.

The Ukraine fan-bois on twitter are trying to argue that this is justified and not a war crime. But I'm not buying it.

I couldn't care less about the Ukraine, aside from the international affront of one country brazenly annexing another.
But false white flag ploys have been used in war, by the less scrupulous side, many times in history. And fog of war is a legitimate defense. It would be one thing if they ALL surrendered peacefully and then were summarily executed out of malice alone. It's a completely different thing to be expecting surrender and be suddenly attacked, with the adrenal response and mob reaction. Not and fan-boy and not a war crime.
Zinjanthropos Online
Who video’d POW shoot? Seems out of place with the plethora of pro Ukrainian battle vids out there. Figured strict orders to troops to not partake or if they do, not to video these events. Could this have been staged? For all I know this could have been theatrically produced in Moscow. Either way it ends up good propaganda for Russians.

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