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Russian Ukraine Invasion

RainbowUnicorn Offline

intercepted Orc communications ... the real story of the Orc Front lines

in russian occupied territory
no food
no water
no toilet paper
but the russian propaganda machine is printing them propaganda news papers

(i watched one of the russian propaganda articles where they pretend to be giving out food but there is no civilians there only military and media for the media display)

fake claims of HIMARS being destroyed
fake claims of HARPOON missiles being destroyed
Fake claims of Ukrainian false flag attacks on its own civilians to get more western money
C C Offline
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Even if that in turn was just manufactured Ukrainian propaganda, it would be delightful fiction. Historically, certainly not an alien facet of morale boosters.
Yazata Offline
(Jul 18, 2022 09:47 PM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: fake claims of HIMARS being destroyed

Here's another view of HIMARS, from what may or may not be a more objective Russian source. It comes from Russian social media sites believed to be associated with the mercenary Wagner Group. Of course is isn't clear if this is real Wagner Group opinion, or whether it is Ukrainian dizinformatsiya placed on the Russian site. (There's an intense information war underway on the internet right now, which the Ukrainians and their American supporters seem to be winning.) The text in the links below is in Russian, I read it with google translate.

But whatever is is, it seems to be a more level-headed appraisal of HIMARS and its impact on the battlefield than is usually seen.

The first one says that Russian talk (among soldiers?) about HIMARS veers crazily between confident assertions of its ineffectiveness, and scared talk that it's a super weapon.

Here's how many they think they are facing:

"texture : 12 (now up to 16) HIMARS systems - 6 in Dnepropetrovsk with subsequent distribution of 2 to Krivorozhskoe and 4 Zaporizhia directions, 2 to Kharkov and 4 to nikolaev."

Their effectiveness seems to be taken for granted. It's suggested that the Ukrainians are very good at moving them from place to place, so that they are hard for the Russians to locate and destroy. But the author says this:

"I will say that all applications of systems (and there are few of them) are on very important objects, and not on positions in the field. Even with the downing of up to a third of the missiles, the rest caused the damage necessary for Ukraine for our side."

This is consistent with all the video of burning weapons and fuel depots. The Ukrainians seem to be using their HIMARS to hit fixed positions (probably located by US satellite intelligence) behind the Russian lines and not against infantry or vehicles actively moving in the field.

"As for the informational gossip about their purchase and destruction: all reports of the sale by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the purchase by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of both the French self-propelled guns "Cesar" and the American MLRS "HIMARS" are fiction..."

"Well, the highlight of our discussion among the fighters was the alleged destruction of HIMARS yesterday, where in fact a timber truck was destroyed, which carried logs to the front side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for deboning and strengthening their positions."

And here's another one, expressing the opinion that lots of the talk in the Western media about these so-called superweapons is basically marketing in hopes of selling more HIMARS on the world arms market.

"It is surprising that with each work of the MLRS, Ukrainian channels always write about HIMARS, and they never mentioned the same MARS II and M270, which have similar characteristics."

"Today, all the strikes inflicted by the Ukrainian "Points", "Tornados" and "Hurricanes" still become HIMARS strikes. What is going on?"

"The fact is that for the US military-industrial complex (by the way, for the Russian one too), the current conflict is also a very significant platform for advertising various types of weapons."

And in my opinion that's probably true.
Yazata Offline
HIMARS effects on the battlefield are probably being exaggerated, both in Ukrainian hopes and Russian fears, but it's definitely getting into people's heads, becoming sort of a modern myth of this war.

Here's a Ukrainian music video about HIMARS put together by Taras Borovko. The words (more of a chant) start out:

"HIMARS! Our trusted ally from America is here! Do you want to meet him?"

"He's channeling all of our anger. He's sending rocket after rocket on our treacherous enemies. HIMARS! La la la la."

"The occupiers are concocting their plans at the HQ. Then they hear the bang! HIMARS!"

(It rhymes better in Ukrainian.)

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