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Random thoughts/comments

Syne Offline
(Dec 21, 2020 03:31 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Well the idiot about a quarter mile from me has done it again. During the pandemic he’s had signs on his lawn telling everyone that COVID is a hoax. Drove by there yesterday and there are two new signs, each one saying “Wearing masks kills brain cells”. If I was to believe him then next time I needed life saving surgery the surgeon better not be wearing one.

Aw, I think he just has the causation reversed. Wearing masks doesn't kill brain cells, but being a mask-Nazi without doing your own research might indicate a lack of brain matter. And Covid isn't hoax, but destroying the economy, jobs, mental and healthcare access, substance abuse programs and response, etc. certainly seems to be a hoax solution. So the poor guy just has things backwards. Maybe you could suggest a few simple edits to his signage.
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Dec 21, 2020 04:39 PM)Syne Wrote:
(Dec 21, 2020 03:31 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Well the idiot about a quarter mile from me has done it again. During the pandemic he’s had signs on his lawn telling everyone that COVID is a hoax. Drove by there yesterday and there are two new signs, each one saying “Wearing masks kills brain cells”. If I was to believe him then next time I needed life saving surgery the surgeon better not be wearing one.

Aw, I think he just has the causation reversed. Wearing masks doesn't kill brain cells, but being a mask-Nazi without doing your own research might indicate a lack of brain matter. And Covid isn't hoax, but destroying the economy, jobs, mental and healthcare access, substance abuse programs and response, etc. certainly seems to be a hoax solution. So the poor guy just has things backwards. Maybe you could suggest a few simple edits to his signage.

Known him for a long time. This guy is an ex-biker, belonged to Motorcycle gang, and did plenty of bad stuff in his youth. He’s done hard time/drugs and after his last stint came out of prison declaring he’d found God. A totally different guy, I’m not a religious person but I think I liked the guy more when he was running around. This new persona has me spooked and I probably talk to him once a year now. I get a mini-Bible out of it. 

Somewhere along the line I think he snapped, didn’t like who he was and the rest is history. Calling him an idiot makes me feel somewhat guilty but if I had to classify his current IQ then it fits, a step above moron. So I don’t think his lawn signs are his idea and he’s listening to & following someone who I feel no shame in calling a moron, simple because of the control he/she has over my neighbor. But the signs probably keep people away from his property and in the current health climate it’s beneficial to his whole family.
Yazata Offline
(Dec 21, 2020 03:31 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Well the idiot about a quarter mile from me has done it again. During the pandemic he’s had signs on his lawn telling everyone that COVID is a hoax. Drove by there yesterday and there are two new signs, each one saying “Wearing masks kills brain cells”. If I was to believe him then next time I needed life saving surgery the surgeon better not be wearing one.

The opinion isn't as weird as broadcasting it with signs in his yard. Of course a certain evangelical kind of person loves to virtue-signal. Around here we still see people with 'Biden-Harris' signs in their yard. There were a couple of 'black lives matter' signs a while back.

I don't think that covid is a hoax. But I do think that it's over-hyped by those who imagine that they should rightfully be our opinion leaders and that it's being used for political purposes. I don't think that its real life severity justifies killing small business and putting another nail in the coffin of the Middle Class.

Regarding masks, they are more prevalent around here than they have been. I see people walking by themselves, with nobody else even remotely close to them, yet they are wearing masks. I don't know why. Perhaps it gives scared people a sense of (false) security. Or maybe once again it's their way of virtue-signalling to anyone that sees them.
Syne Offline
(Dec 21, 2020 05:47 PM)Yazata Wrote: Regarding masks, they are more prevalent around here than they have been. I see people walking by themselves, with nobody else even remotely close to them, yet they are wearing masks. I don't know why. Perhaps it gives scared people a sense of (false) security. Or maybe once again it's their way of virtue-signalling to anyone that sees them.

I'd bet of the latter. I wonder how many people wearing masks still remember that masks only protect others, they don't protect yourself.
Leigha Offline
(Dec 30, 2020 05:04 AM)Syne Wrote: 5+1+10 = 16

Nope, but close.

5 + 1 x 10 
Syne Offline
Oops. Paying too much attention to the symbols to notice the operations.
Leigha Offline
(Dec 30, 2020 07:30 AM)Syne Wrote: Oops. Paying too much attention to the symbols to notice the operations.

Yea, it's tricky in that sense - and commonly, people answer with '60,' but that's not correct, either.
Syne Offline
Yeah, I would have likely missed the order of operations too. It just seems to simple to warrant that much thought.

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