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Best ufo photo ever taken?

Syne Offline
(Dec 16, 2018 05:55 PM)Magical Realist Wrote:
Quote:The fact is that unidentified literally means you cannot assume to know what it is not any more than what it is. No witness is reliable, especially when extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Yes, thousands of accounts with the vagaries of human perception in a world polluted with common knowledge of such accounts. It's called priming.

But I'm not the one assuming to know what it is. You are, and continue to do so in light of the fact that it defies anything manmade or natural.
Yes you are. You are presuming it's not man-made or natural...even though we only know for a fact that the man-made and natural exist. You're discounting every reasonable explanation in favor of completely unfounded speculation.
Quote:It remained in place for 2-3 minutes. You cannot dismiss this detail of the account to suit your conclusion. This fact refutes it being any kind of military aircraft, as that would have flown over in a matter of seconds. Add to that the fact that it made no noise, and that it has no engines or fuselage, and well, you have a ufo, a truly unidentified flying object.
Those are not facts, they're hearsay..."information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor."
Those are not more compelling than a "fish story", since the pictures do not substantiate those details.
Again, no one is disputing that it is an unidentified flying object. But you just keep arguing that straw man in a vain attempt to buoy your ad hoc definition.
Quote:And yes eyewitnesses are reliable. We rely on them everyday in the news, in criminal courts, and in traffic courts. People really do see accurately what is right in front of them. The fact that you are arguing that they do not is only your desperate ploy to dismiss the report in favor of your latest assumption about what it is identified as. Your confirmation bias is obvious as hell. Face it Syne. This is a ufo, and it's the real deal. Read the article I posted on 3 more compelling sightings. You may find yourself actually believing in ufos.
I was wondering how long it would take you to start this old canard. And it completely belies every study done on the reliability eyewitnesses...not that you would every read them. The news is pure rumor without corroborating facts; criminal and traffic courts build their cases on substantiating evidence (again, the more serious, i.e. extraordinary, the charge the more substantive the evidence needed). The facts are that witnesses are unreliable because people are susceptible to subconscious priming, source misattribution, reconstructive memory, confirmation bias, etc..
Again, no one has identified it. Quit lying. I'm just making reasonable assumptions based all all know facts, while you are making wildly speculative assumptions (that expressly deny anything reasonable...while making up your own, special definition of "fact") that cannot be justified.

Again, ad infinitum, it is a UFO. No one disputes that. But you cannot claim to know it's not man-made while asserting it is completely unidentified. That's just flat out contradictory.
Quote:Oh and here's the thing about your much touted "null hypothesis". It's not what you claim it to be:

"With further testing, a hypothesis can usually be proven true or false. A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that says there is no statistical significance between the two variables. It is usually the hypothesis a researcher or experimenter will try to disprove or discredit."

"Null hypotheses are never accepted. We either reject them or fail to reject them. The distinction between “acceptance” and “failure to reject” is best understood in terms of confidence intervals. Failing to reject a hypothesis means a confidence interval contains a value of “no difference”."---

Apparently you don't understand what you read. You can only "try to disprove or discredit" what is accepted as or presumed a given. Otherwise, you'd need to prove the null hypothesis before you could even try to disprove it, which would be foolishly and uselessly redundant.

Null hypothesis--the hypothesis under test, denoted H0. The null hypothesis is usually stated as the absence of a difference or an effect. It functions as what debaters call a "straw man", something set up solely to be knocked down. It is usually the investigator's intention to demonstrate an effect is present. The null hypothesis says there is no effect. The null hypothesis is rejected if the significance test shows the data are inconsistent with the null hypothesis. Null hypothesis are never accepted. We either reject them or fail to reject them. The distinction between "acceptance" and "failure to reject" is best understood in terms of confidence intervals. Failing to reject a hypothesis means a confidence interval contains a value of "no difference".

The null hypothesis is always the setup to test an assertion. Here, your assertion is that UFOs are not man-made or natural. The null hypothesis you are attempting, in vain, to reject is that UFOs are mundane. Seeing as the mundane makes up the vast majority of our experience and knowledge, it is the default assumption. The burden is on you to demonstrate the extraordinary, requiring extraordinary evidence, not on me to demonstrate the ubiquitously self-evident mundane.

You don't seem to be intellectually honest enough to even admit the null hypothesis is a possibility, which betrays your heavy confirmation bias and blind faith. Angel
Magical Realist Offline
Quote:Again, ad infinitum, it is a UFO. No one disputes that. But you cannot claim to know it's not man-made while asserting it is completely unidentified. That's just flat out contradictory.

Yes I can. You can eliminate various suspects for a murder, and still have the murderer remain unidentified. He's not the husband. He's not the ex-lover. He's not the co-worker. But that doesn't mean you've identified the murderer. Same with ufos. We can tell by the flight characteristics of the ufo it is not manmade or natural in origin. But we have not therefore identified what it is.

Quote: You can only "try to disprove or discredit" what is accepted as or presumed a given.

No you can't. You can eliminate a possibility, but that doesn't necessarily mean that possibility was an accepted belief by anyone. That we eliminate the null hypothesis simple means we eliminate the hypothesis as a possibility. And we can only do that by rejecting the null hypothesis from the outset. We do not accept it at any point, like you erroneously do.

Quote:And it completely belies every study done on the reliability eyewitnesses...not that you would every read them.

I know there's an internet meme pushed by skeptics all about how eyewitnesses are unreliable. Yet noone does any studies on how many cases are solved on eyewitness testimony. Literally thousands everyday based on what someone saw and heard when the crime was committed. Men are regularly sent to prison on such testimonial evidence. If it wasn't reliable, this wouldn't be happening. Yet in the overwhelming number of cases, this is exactly what is happening. Eyewitness accounts are among the best forms of evidence in crime cases, traffic cases, and news stories. Ofcourse they're reliable.

Quote:The burden is on you to demonstrate the extraordinary, requiring extraordinary evidence, not on me to demonstrate the ubiquitously self-evident mundane.

Photo, eyewitness accounts, and trace evidence of ufos IS extraordinary evidence of ufos. If ufos are physical objects, they will have physical effects on our world. Providing evidence of these, as in burnt circles in grassy fields, radiation effects on eyewitnesses, car engines shutting off, radar video, and white powder residue left at the landing sites, IS extraordinary evidence.

Quote:You are presuming it's not man-made or natural...even though we only know for a fact that the man-made and natural exist.

Thousands of ufo photos and eyewitness accounts refute that. What ufo evidence lacks in repeatability it more than makes up for in sheer preponderance.
Syne Offline
(Dec 16, 2018 09:29 PM)Magical Realist Wrote:
Quote:Again, ad infinitum, it is a UFO. No one disputes that. But you cannot claim to know it's not man-made while asserting it is completely unidentified. That's just flat out contradictory.

Yes I can. You can eliminate various suspects for a murder, and still have the murderer remain unidentified. He's not the husband. He's not the ex-lover. He's not the co-worker.  But that doesn't mean you've identified the murderer. Same with ufos. We can tell by the flight characteristics of the ufo it is not manmade or natural in origin. But we have not therefore identified what it is.
You can only eliminate suspects with positive evidence, like a verified alibi, lack of their fingerprints but someone else's, or other evidence that definitely points to another, specific suspect. People who have no relation to or interaction with the victim never become suspects in the first place. As with all things evidence-related, you continue to prove you have no clue (pun intended).
Yes, it is the same with UFOs. You have to have positive corroborating evidence to dismiss the most likely explanation. Hearsay is not corroborated evidence.
Quote: You can only "try to disprove or discredit" what is accepted as or presumed a given.

No you can't. You can eliminate a possibility, but that doesn't necessarily mean that possibility was an accepted belief by anyone. That we eliminate the null hypothesis simple means we eliminate the hypothesis as a possibility. And we can only do that by rejecting the null hypothesis from the outset. We do not accept it at any point, like you erroneously do.
Every sane person believes that most things have mundane explanations, because the vast majority of all experience and knowledge is mundane. This is accepted by every sane person. The null hypothesis cannot simply be eliminated; it can only be refuted with substantiated evidence. And "rejecting the null hypothesis from the outset" proves your confirmation bias. You just reject it, out of hand, due to your dogmatic beliefs. Angel
There's nothing erroneous about accepting the vast majority of experience and knowledge, but that tells us a lot about your relationship with common experience and fact.
Quote:And it completely belies every study done on the reliability eyewitnesses...not that you would every read them.

I know there's an internet meme pushed by skeptics all about how eyewitnesses are unreliable. Yet noone does any studies on how many cases are solved on eyewitness testimony. Literally thousands everyday based on what someone saw and heard when the crime was committed. Men are regularly sent to prison on such testimonial evidence. If it wasn't reliable, this wouldn't be happening. Yet in the overwhelming number of cases, this is exactly what is happening. Eyewitness accounts are among the best forms of evidence in crime cases, traffic cases, and news stories. Ofcourse they're reliable.
Not a meme; actual scientific studies...which you will no doubt ever read. Zero cases are "solved" by eyewitness testimony alone. Cases are solved by evidence that supports witness statements, otherwise it's all he said, she said, which has no resolution in criminal law. Yes, many men have been sent to prison on eyewitness testimony, but:

Studies by Scheck, Neufel, and Dwyer showed that many DNA-based exonerations involved eyewitness evidence.
Evaluating the credibility of eye-witness testimony falls on all individual jurors when such evidence is offered as testimony in a trial in the United States.[6] Research has shown that mock juries are often unable to distinguish between a false and accurate eyewitness testimony. "Jurors" often appear to correlate the confidence level of the witness with the accuracy of their testimony. An overview of this research by Laub and Bornstein shows this to be an inaccurate gauge of accuracy.

Juries aren't known for being 100% objective, which is why lawyers use manipulative tactics and emotional appeal to sway them.

No, "unnamed sources" in news stories are the least reliable form of information. Traffic cases are typically unimportant enough to hinge on the authority of the citing officer. Again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Quote:The burden is on you to demonstrate the extraordinary, requiring extraordinary evidence, not on me to demonstrate the ubiquitously self-evident mundane.

Photo and eyewitness accounts of ufos IS extraordinary evidence of ufos. If ufos are physical objects, they will have physical effects on our world. Providing evidence of these, as in burnt circles in grassy fields, radiation effects on eyewitnesses, car engines shutting off, radar video, and white powder residue left at the landing sites, IS extraordinary evidence.
Poor quality photos do nothing to corroborate accounts of how something moved or what it sounded like. None of the evidence you mention requires an extraordinary explanation...which means it is not extraordinary evidence.
Quote:You are presuming it's not man-made or natural...even though we only know for a fact that the man-made and natural exist.

Thousands of ufo photos and eyewitness accounts refute that. What ufo evidence lacks in repeatability it more than makes up for in sheer preponderance.
No, they don't. You just keep proclaiming your belief without any compelling evidence. Angel
Evidence of one crime cannot be corroborated by evidence of a completely different crime committed by someone else. Very basic reasoning skills.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Quote:He took the picture while it hovered 
Is the object in the photo above the photographer?  Turning the photo upside down makes it look more like a hovering craft than the way it's presented in OP. Making a claim as best photo evidence of UFO should not be accompanied by an upside down image, IMO.
Magical Realist Offline
(Dec 16, 2018 11:05 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
Quote:He took the picture while it hovered 
Is the object in the photo above the photographer?  Turning the photo upside down makes it look more like a hovering craft than the way it's presented in OP. Making a claim as best photo evidence of UFO should not be accompanied by an upside down image, IMO.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Syne Offline
(Dec 16, 2018 11:05 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
Quote:He took the picture while it hovered 
Is the object in the photo above the photographer?  Turning the photo upside down makes it look more like a hovering craft than the way it's presented in OP. Making a claim as best photo evidence of UFO should not be accompanied by an upside down image, IMO.

You can find the image either way on a Google image search.
This one even shows it like the OP and the guy holding it the other way:
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Dec 17, 2018 12:29 AM)LSyne Wrote:
(Dec 16, 2018 11:05 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
Quote:He took the picture while it hovered 
Is the object in the photo above the photographer?  Turning the photo upside down makes it look more like a hovering craft than the way it's presented in OP. Making a claim as best photo evidence of UFO should not be accompanied by an upside down image, IMO.

You can find the image either way on a Google image search.
This one even shows it like the OP and the guy holding it the other way:

That's what I'm talking about. The world's best UFO photographic evidence? I think not. No one seems to know which way is up. Funny as Hell. What next?  Big Grin 

If no one ever checks for authenticity, or analyzes the evidence, or questions the source, then how can anyone believe something is genuine without doing so? Call me a skeptic, tell me I'm crazy for being one, but this is one of the more hilarious 'evidence of' posts in a while.

I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object. Mainly because it didn't look right. Mind you it took more than one look to figure out why. My mind just wants to say 'Whoa!', what goes on in other people's heads? One can only laugh.
Magical Realist Offline
Quote:I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object.

Ofcourse you didn't. All you do is look for excuses to dismiss the evidence. That's what skeptics do. It doesn't surprise me abit.
Syne Offline
(Dec 17, 2018 01:33 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
(Dec 17, 2018 12:29 AM)Syne Wrote: You can find the image either way on a Google image search.
This one even shows it like the OP and the guy holding it the other way:

That's what I'm talking about. The world's best UFO photographic evidence? I think not. No one seems to know which way is up. Funny as Hell. What next?  Big Grin 

If no one ever checks for authenticity, or analyzes the evidence, or questions the source, then how can anyone believe something is genuine without doing so?  Call me a skeptic, tell me I'm crazy for being one, but this is one of the more hilarious 'evidence of' posts in a while.

I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object. Mainly because it didn't look right. Mind you it took more than one look to figure out why. My mind just wants to say 'Whoa!', what goes on in other people's heads? One can only laugh.

The audience for UFO stories doesn't want any challenging questions. That's why they typically just relay the story as it was told, without any questions that try to probe for witness consistency or attempt any kind of authentication. The OP story says the guy told a shepherd he knew about it, but they didn't interview that shepherd; they just take his word for it.

(Dec 17, 2018 03:27 AM)Magical Realist Wrote:
Quote:I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object.

Ofcourse you didn't. All you do is look for excuses to dismiss the evidence. That's what skeptics do. It doesn't surprise me abit.

Then why does the picture of the guy himself show him holding the picture right side up? Because there's a good reason it doesn't look right the other way. Even if you believe it's an alien spacecraft.
But we know you can't muster even enough skepticism to doubt the picture's orientation, which is completely immaterial to the claim of alien origin. That's how desperate your belief is.
Magical Realist Offline
(Dec 17, 2018 03:43 AM)Syne Wrote:
(Dec 17, 2018 01:33 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:
(Dec 17, 2018 12:29 AM)Syne Wrote: You can find the image either way on a Google image search.
This one even shows it like the OP and the guy holding it the other way:

That's what I'm talking about. The world's best UFO photographic evidence? I think not. No one seems to know which way is up. Funny as Hell. What next?  Big Grin 

If no one ever checks for authenticity, or analyzes the evidence, or questions the source, then how can anyone believe something is genuine without doing so?  Call me a skeptic, tell me I'm crazy for being one, but this is one of the more hilarious 'evidence of' posts in a while.

I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object. Mainly because it didn't look right. Mind you it took more than one look to figure out why. My mind just wants to say 'Whoa!', what goes on in other people's heads? One can only laugh.

The audience for UFO stories doesn't want any challenging questions. That's why they typically just relay the story as it was told, without any questions that try to probe for witness consistency or attempt any kind of authentication. The OP story says the guy told a shepherd he knew about it, but they didn't interview that shepherd; they just take his word for it.

(Dec 17, 2018 03:27 AM)Magical Realist Wrote:
Quote:I looked at that OP photo several times and not once did i believe it was a hovering object.

Ofcourse you didn't. All you do is look for excuses to dismiss the evidence. That's what skeptics do. It doesn't surprise me abit.

Then why does the picture of the guy himself show him holding the picture right side up? Because there's a good reason it doesn't look right the other way. Even if you believe it's an alien spacecraft.
But we know you can't muster even enough skepticism to doubt the picture's orientation, which is completely immaterial to the claim of alien origin. That's how desperate your belief is.

LOL! So what? He's holding the picture the other way. What does that have to do with the photo not being authentic? The photo is a photo either way. You're desperate for any excuse to dismiss the photo.

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