Article  Faith challenged by discovery of ETs? + Jordan Peterson on the demigod archetype

C C Offline
Would your faith be challenged by the discovery of extraterrestrial life?

EXCERPTS: Cynics have often declared that the discovery of aliens would be the death knell for earthly religions. [...] To try and finally answer the cynics, about 15 years ago Peters sought to find out whether religion really would be in danger should contact occur. ... The survey questions focused on whether the respondents felt the discovery of alien life would undercut their personal faith, whether it would place their religion’s wider traditions into crisis, and whether they felt other religions would be negatively impacted by contact. The results showed that people who answered the survey did not think that their religion would be challenged by the discovery of extraterrestrial life, although some did think that others might have a problem with it... (MORE - missing details)

Jordan Peterson on the demigod archetype (the Superman parable)

VIDEO EXCERPTS: You need to make the fictional mythological character more than merely human, but not so much of a God. That latter happened to Superman in the 1980s.

When Superman first emerged, he could only jump over buildings, stop a locomotive. But by the time the 1980s rolled around like he could juggle planets, swallow hydrogen bombs -- he could do anything.

People stopped buying Superman comics because how interesting is that? Something horrible happens and Superman deals with it, minus problems -- like that's dull. He turned into such an archetype that he was basically the omnipotent God, and that's no fun.

So then they had to weaken him in different ways. And they introduced flaws into his character. So that there could be some kind of damn plot and something to think about.

There's a deep existential lesson in that -- in why your being is limited, flawed, and fragile.

Your having limitations, means that the plot of your life is the overcoming of those limitations. And that if you didn't have limitations, well there wouldn't be a storyline, and maybe there would be no life.

So that's part of the reason why perhaps you have to accept the fact that you're flawed, and insufficient. And live with it, and consider it a precondition for being. It's at least a reasonable idea.

Jordan Peterson explains why people stopped caring about Superman
Magical Realist Offline
Quote:Would your faith be challenged by the discovery of extraterrestrial life?

Religion is harder to eradicate from our species than cancer is. The believers will just interpret ETs as the antichrist or false prophet performing miracles by the power of Satan as per the good ole book of Revelation. They've all been waiting fervently for the dead Jewish carpenter to come back for 2024 yrs. Mere alien contact isn't goin to ruin that narrative for them. See the movie Contact.
Syne Offline
^^Complete nonsense. This moron seems to think that Christians don't understand science... or even seen the movie Thor (or heard Arthur C. Clarke's quote) "magic's just science we don't understand yet." Moron thinks Christians are exactly as they were in the 1920s or something, when surveys have found that Christians understand science better than leftists.

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