Alex O'Connor interview of Dawkins
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AC: Jordan Peterson comes at it from a completely different perspective than most of your previous Christian opponents. Not that Jordan Peterson is strictly a Christian. I wonder what you make of him and his approach.
RD: I enormously respect his courage in standing up to the Canadian laws about free speech. So I want to get that out of the way first. I hugely value him for that reason.
But when he talks about religion, I think that he doesn't make any sense at all. He's impressing people by using language they don't understand, rather like Deepak Chopra. Where people think it must be terribly profound because they can't understand it. Which is not something I can respect.
Michael Shermer told me that he tried to pin him down, and said, do you actually believe that Jesus was born of a virgin? And Jordan Peterson said it would take him at least 2 days to answer that. So Michael said, more or less, how about one sentence or one word? No.
That's how I feel about all the stuff about Jungian archetypes. Not that I want to be skeptical about that, but constantly dragging them in...
I mean, I think the most egregious example of that is where he looks at primitive tribal art. Where he shows things like two snakes coiling around each other. And says, well they must have had some primeval knowledge of DNA, the double helix.
It's about Jungian archetypes, and that is sheer BS, and I told him so.
[...] But I want to once again say how much I respect his courage in standing up to the Woke nonsense...
Richard Dawkins on Jordan Peterson's theology: "It's sheer BS”
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AC: Jordan Peterson comes at it from a completely different perspective than most of your previous Christian opponents. Not that Jordan Peterson is strictly a Christian. I wonder what you make of him and his approach.
RD: I enormously respect his courage in standing up to the Canadian laws about free speech. So I want to get that out of the way first. I hugely value him for that reason.
But when he talks about religion, I think that he doesn't make any sense at all. He's impressing people by using language they don't understand, rather like Deepak Chopra. Where people think it must be terribly profound because they can't understand it. Which is not something I can respect.
Michael Shermer told me that he tried to pin him down, and said, do you actually believe that Jesus was born of a virgin? And Jordan Peterson said it would take him at least 2 days to answer that. So Michael said, more or less, how about one sentence or one word? No.
That's how I feel about all the stuff about Jungian archetypes. Not that I want to be skeptical about that, but constantly dragging them in...
I mean, I think the most egregious example of that is where he looks at primitive tribal art. Where he shows things like two snakes coiling around each other. And says, well they must have had some primeval knowledge of DNA, the double helix.
It's about Jungian archetypes, and that is sheer BS, and I told him so.
[...] But I want to once again say how much I respect his courage in standing up to the Woke nonsense...
Richard Dawkins on Jordan Peterson's theology: "It's sheer BS”