USS Omaha swarmed by spherical glowing uaps (2019)

Magical Realist Offline
Don't know how this compelling incident escaped my notice. Maybe I've posted about it before, but it bears repeating imo..

Excellent description and analysis of uaps captured on FLIR camera and multiple ship radars that were swarming the USS Omaha while performing training exercises off the coast of San Diego in 2019. The skeptic's old canard that it is just a radar glitch or a weather balloon or a drone just doesn't hold up to the known facts of the case..
Zinjanthropos Offline
How does Jeremy Corbell get to the front for UAP video. He appears to have cornered the Compelling UAP Video market. This artist wouldn’t have a Navy insider providing radar images to him for some touching up, would he? Too coincidental for me, not very compelling evidence of ET. I figure the best way to train navy personnel is to NOT tell them they’re in the middle of an exercise.

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