Australian state institutes ministry for "Men’s Behavior Change" (Orwellian fashion)

C C Offline

EXCERPTS: As Australian women push for action on domestic violence – a problem described by the country’s prime minister as a “national crisis” – one state has appointed a special official charged with improving men’s behavior.

Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan announced Wednesday that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change – the first position of its kind in the country.

Richardson said he would focus on the influence the internet and social media have on male attitudes towards women, and on building respectful relationships.

[...] Gender-based violence is plaguing Australia – 31 women have been killed across the country so far this year, according to the Counting Dead Women project. Last year, 64 women were murdered, the group said.

Last weekend, a woman and her daughter were shot dead in Perth, Western Australia [...] The country was rattled by multiple violent incidents in April, including when five women were killed by a man armed with a knife at a shopping center in the suburb of Bondi in Sydney. Police said CCTV footage showed it was “obvious” the man targeted women. In another violent incident, a 28-year-old mother was allegedly murdered by her partner, who was already facing charges of raping and stalking her but had been released on bail.

[...] Within hours of announcing the position, Richardson took to X, writing: “Some pretty hectic reactions here to an important role and Australian first. It will be about modelling positive role models for boys and men and ensuring we break away from gendered based stereotypes and building respectful relationships. As boys and men we need to lead this.”

While the new Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change now exists at a state level, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also announced in May a rapid review into the prevention of domestic violence after calling the problem a “national crisis.”

“We recognize that governments need to act, but we also recognize that this is an issue for the whole of society. Women should not be responsible for ending violence against women,” he said at the time... (MORE - missing details)

VIDEO INTRO: This week, Victorian premier Jacinta Allan has put Victoria on the international map with one of the most bizarre pieces of identity politics yet seen from a western government. On her Twitter account, Allan announced that ‘We have appointed the first Parliamentary Secretary [equivalent to a junior minister] for Men’s Behaviour in Australia’. What's going on?
Yazata Offline
(Jun 2, 2024 08:53 PM)C C Wrote: [...] Gender-based violence is plaguing Australia – 31 women have been killed across the country so far this year, according to the Counting Dead Women project. Last year, 64 women were murdered, the group said.

It looks to be left-political posturing by the Australian labour party to win feminist votes (feminists are a key element of the labour base there, just as they are for the democrats here).

According to the Australian Institute of Criminology, the latest official homicide figures are from 2022-2023.

There were 256 homicide victims in Australia over that period. 75 victims were female, 171 victims were male, and the sex of ten victims was not stated or unknown.

Not only are homicide offenders not disproportionately targeting females, they seem to be discriminating in favor of not killing females.

And looking at the numbers, it appears that homicide numbers have been declining in Australia for decades, for both male and female victims, even as the country's population rose.

Source:Table B3 at the bottom of this link.
Zinjanthropos Offline
At first I thought this has to be an Onion article. However does appear to be legit. It’s so woke IMO, another attempt to abruptly change or affect the course of evolution with the stroke of a pen. Perhaps all Australian men should declare themselves female and see what happens.

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