Research  Murdered pregnant women & abortion? + Black women murdered 6 times more than White

C C Offline
The Lancet: Black women in the USA were murdered six times more often than White women between 1999 and 2020, state-level analysis indicates

  • Analysis of racial disparities in US homicide rates indicates Black women were on average six times more likely to die by homicide than White women between 1999 and 2020.
  • Homicide rates among Black women were significantly higher than for White women in all 30 states analysed, with some evidence suggesting the biggest differences are in states with the highest racial inequities.
  • The greatest disparity in homicide rates was in Wisconsin in 2019-2020, when Black women were 20 times more likely to be murdered than White women.
  • Black women in the USA were more likely than White women to be killed by a firearm, particularly those in the Northeast and Midwest.
EXCERPT: Notably, states with the greatest disparities in homicide rates were in parts of the country with a high proportion of people of low socioeconomic status living close together. These areas also tend to have histories of slavery and lynching, and are places where especially tense Black Lives Matter protests took place at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are also many underlying factors involved, such as gender – males are more often responsible for intimate partner violence and shootings – but these were not investigated in the study.


Pregnant women living in states with limited access to abortion face higher levels of intimate partner homicide

  • Young women under the age of 30, Black women, and women with lower education levels are disproportionately affected by intimate partner homicide during pregnancy, reflecting the need to better serve and protect these vulnerable populations.
  • Particularly by firearms, increasing rates of intimate partner homicide of women who are pregnant or recently pregnant are occurring in states that have limited access to abortion.
  • Researchers describe a ‘dire need’ to develop effective interventions that break the cycle of intimate partner violence and prevent further deaths.
EXCERPT: Although this research did not focus on why women may be most vulnerable to violence during or just after pregnancy, previous research has revealed that several social determinants of health, including food insecurity, psychosocial stress, and housing instability, are associated with an increased risk of firearm violence. These factors are likely exacerbated during pregnancy, when couples may experience increased demands and economic vulnerability.

Syne Offline
(Feb 9, 2024 04:50 AM)C C Wrote: The Lancet: Black women in the USA were murdered six times more often than White women between 1999 and 2020, state-level analysis indicates

  • Analysis of racial disparities in US homicide rates indicates Black women were on average six times more likely to die by homicide than White women between 1999 and 2020.
  • Homicide rates among Black women were significantly higher than for White women in all 30 states analysed, with some evidence suggesting the biggest differences are in states with the highest racial inequities.
  • The greatest disparity in homicide rates was in Wisconsin in 2019-2020, when Black women were 20 times more likely to be murdered than White women.
  • Black women in the USA were more likely than White women to be killed by a firearm, particularly those in the Northeast and Midwest.
EXCERPT: Notably, states with the greatest disparities in homicide rates were in parts of the country with a high proportion of people of low socioeconomic status living close together. These areas also tend to have histories of slavery and lynching, and are places where especially tense Black Lives Matter protests took place at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are also many underlying factors involved, such as gender – males are more often responsible for intimate partner violence and shootings – but these were not investigated in the study.


Our findings suggest that there is an urgent need to address homicide inequities among Black and White women in the USA. Enacting federal legislation that reduces gun access is a crucial step. Policy makers must address long-standing structural factors that underpin elevated gun violence by implementing sustainable wealth-building opportunities; developing desegregated, mixed income and affordable housing; and increasing green spaces in communities where Black women largely reside.

So not only do they completely leave out that black women are murdered more by other blacks, but they also think the takeaway is less access to self-defense. It couldn't possibly be that black men are disproportionately criminals, with illegal access to guns... that no advocated gun restrictions will stop. They also fail to mention that those "high proportion of people of low socioeconomic status living close together" are largely the Democrat-run urban centers, which are the most racial segregated and where they enjoy erecting barriers to self-defense, especially for those of low socioeconomic status.

If you want to implement "sustainable wealth-building opportunities," reelect Trump, and we can resume the lowest minority unemployment in history.

"Increasing green spaces?" What a joke.

Quote:Pregnant women living in states with limited access to abortion face higher levels of intimate partner homicide

  • Young women under the age of 30, Black women, and women with lower education levels are disproportionately affected by intimate partner homicide during pregnancy, reflecting the need to better serve and protect these vulnerable populations.
  • Particularly by firearms, increasing rates of intimate partner homicide of women who are pregnant or recently pregnant are occurring in states that have limited access to abortion.
  • Researchers describe a ‘dire need’ to develop effective interventions that break the cycle of intimate partner violence and prevent further deaths.
EXCERPT: Although this research did not focus on why women may be most vulnerable to violence during or just after pregnancy, previous research has revealed that several social determinants of health, including food insecurity, psychosocial stress, and housing instability, are associated with an increased risk of firearm violence. These factors are likely exacerbated during pregnancy, when couples may experience increased demands and economic vulnerability.


There's also the financial incentive. An unscrupulous man seeking to avoid being financially obligated for 18 years can either pressure a woman into an abortion or resort to violence. Black women, who are 13% of the female US population, accounted for 50% of the murders...again, by black men. This is largely a problem with culture. The black culture and larger leftists culture in general. Glorifying abortion erodes the value of life and a more criminal culture even further exacerbates that.

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