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How not to die from sitting around too much

Magical Realist Offline

"A quick exercise break may help offset the potentially deadly consequences of sitting all day, new research suggests.

While a sedentary lifestyle — sitting for 10 or more hours a day — is linked to higher odds of early death, as little as 20 to 25 minutes may mitigate the risk, according to a study published October 24 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Researchers from multiple universities, including the University of Tromsø in Norway and Aarhus University in Denmark, looked at data from 12,000 adults aged 50 and older from Norway and Sweden. They compared their activity levels to health outcomes to observe whether exercise might make a difference in an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

They found that participants who habitually sat for more than 12 hours a day had a 38% higher chance of dying early.

However, that health risk was mitigated if participants managed to clock at least 22 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity each day, from activities like brisk walking, light hiking or biking, or household chores.

The findings add to a growing body of evidence that short bursts of heart-pumping exercise can help offset the serious health risks of sitting all day.

More exercise is linked to more health benefits

The researchers found that increasing time spent exercising was linked to an increasingly lower risk of death, regardless of how many hours a day people spent sitting.

That's consistent with a wealth of previous evidence that suggests exercise is great for health, with benefits like better mood, more energy, and lower risk of illnesses like heart disease and cancer. "
C C Offline
I daily walk a path that goes up and down two hills for circa 22 minutes early in the morning, and repeat it again in the evening. Helps to have a dog making noises outside -- in case you forget, it won't because it feels the excursions all are for its benefit.

Also do some indoor exercises.
Magical Realist Offline
Starting Monday I'm goin to walk the loop in my favorite park. 3 days a week getting out of breath. Hopefully this will avert the grim reaper's much dreaded visit..
C C Offline
(Oct 29, 2023 02:39 AM)Magical Realist Wrote: Starting Monday I'm goin to walk the loop in my favorite park. 3 days a week getting out of breath. Hopefully this will avert the grim reaper's much dreaded visit..

Don't overdue anything the first time. Do a small amount of _X_ and just incrementally add a bit more on each day or whatever.

I had frozen shoulder once, and couldn't extend my arm without it hurting immensely. The only way I got rid of the condition was by forcing my limb to move a few times in every direction and angle there was severe pain, and just add one or two more movements like that a day until I could perform up to 25 per each direction of motion (along with gradually extending further). Eventually I got total "move around in a circle as far and high as I wanted movement" of my arm back with no pain, and could even bend it around and touch the middle of my back again with a hand -- which had been something utterly impossible two to three months before that.

Point being that incremental "baby steps" is the way to reach endurance of anything, whether it's health-related exercise or physical therapy slash rehabilitation.
stryder Offline
One of the main problems with middle age (and older) is that if you stop doing something (or have never done something) then you're brain will literally forget (or not know depending on if you knew) how to do something. It's a biproduct of neuroplasticity in the sense of how your brain attempts to given situations (especially repetative ones). So if you've not done something in a while it can be a struggle to start doing it again.

Thats where Willpower is suppose to kick in, or some heavily endorsing incentives to get you doing whatever it is you need to do. (such as taking a dog for a walk, snapping a photo, catching a pokemon.)
Syne Offline
Yeah, start small. In the beginning, it more important to establish a habit you can keep up rather than endurance. The latter can be built up over time.
Zinjanthropos Online
I’m pushing 70, I’ve officiated basketball for last 41 years.. I work 150-200 games in a 7 month stretch( Oct thru Apr), The other 5 months I golf and fish a lot. Otherwise I do the usual maintenance work for my house and summer place. I also have a gasfitter’s licence and do various jobs for people who know of me (word of month). Otherwise I sit around. I look a lot younger than I am, at least that’s what they tell me. Actually it’s my skin that looks great. Yet I still got cancer, not once but twice plus this Friday I find out if there’s more ( hope good news since I haven’t heard anything since scan 2 weeks ago). IMHO, after many visits to doctors and numerous tests, sitting around isn’t as unhealthy as what you may have inherited from your ancestors.
confused2 Offline
Could I request a follow up thread .. How not to die from eating junk food. Idle curiosity of course.

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