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Democrats strangely tuning in to Tucker Carlson in large numbers? + Whoopi Goldberg

C C Offline
Two possibilities... They're either watching to find juicy bits to ridicule or rant about in social media. Or else youth really is becoming "anti-establishment", rather than just the pro-leftism and "Salinger-ism" that was misinterpreted back in the '60s, '70s as a constant disposition of rebellion. (The counterculture of that era then became the new institutional orientation.) Surely it's primarily the former.
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Democrats strangely tuning in to Tucker Carlson in large numbers?

INTRO: New numbers from Nielsen/MRI Fusion released Tuesday showed a surprising trend among cable news viewers – Democrats are tuning into Fox News in large numbers.

While reading through the monthly breakdown of viewers released by Fox, CNN and MSNBC it’s impossible to ignore the enormous share of total viewers that Fox has. Fox makes up 56% of the total prime time audience in cable news and 55% during the day.

So, while it’s safe to assume that right-leaning Fox is attracting more than just Republicans, the amount of Democrats and Independents tuning in and who they are tuning in to watch is surprising.

According to the party-line data, gathered in the month of October, Tucker Carlson is the number-one watched host among Democrats in the key 25-54 age demographic – across all networks. For that month, Carlson pulled in an average of 101,000 Democrats in the demo. The Rachel Maddow Show and The Five tied for second – each pulling in 88,000 demo viewers that identify as Democrats.

More stunning still is the fact that Sean Hannity and Greg Gutfeld round out the top five with 81,000 and 73,000 Democrats in the demo, respectively.

In terms of total viewers, Fox has three of the top five shows watched by Democrats, while MSNBC has the other two... (MORE - details)

Whoopi Goldberg discovers Church of Woke readily eats its own

EXCERPTS: ... Whoopi Goldberg has been temporarily suspended from "The View" after receiving backlash for comments she made about the Holocaust on air.

[...] "If you're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it, because the Holocaust isn't about race," Goldberg said Monday. "It's about man's inhumanity to man. That's what it's about."

Co-host Joy Behar chimed in, saying, "Well, they considered Jews a different race," in reference to the Nazis. Anna Navarro also pushed back, saying, "But it's about white supremacy."

But Goldberg doubled down.

"But these are two white groups of people," she said. "You're missing the point. The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let's talk about it for what it is. It's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're Black or white, cause Black, white, Jews ... everybody eats each other."

'Maus' sales soar after book is banned by Tennessee school board

As Goldberg continued, transition music began playing over her.

"If you're uncomfortable … if you hear about 'Maus,' should you be worried?" she added. "Should your child say 'Oh, my God, I wonder if that's me?' No, that's not what they're gonna say. They're gonna say, 'I don't want to be like that.' Most kids, they don't want to be cruel."

The comments drew backlash on Twitter, making Goldberg a top trending item on the social media website Monday... (MORE - details)
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Inner Cynic: Goldberg strayed from the systemic racism narrative -- anti-racism -- the "racism is the cause of all social ills" narrative -- and got punished for it. She actually said something that is historically the case in the general sense of humans mistreating humans. But you've got to keep it narrowly confined today to what the agenda expects from the speech of its myrmidons -- or else you're committing leftist sin.
Syne Offline
I'm more optimistic that some of those Democrats watching Fox are part of the new counterculture rebels (along with the right...which is obviously today's counterculture). Leftist wokeism has spread by seemingly originating from peers of younger demographics. But the more it becomes obvious that adults as old as Biden are promoting it, it starts to run up against the normal teen/young adult refusal to accept "truths" on the word of their elders alone. Young adults like to find things out for themselves. And the juxtaposition between Fox and MSNBC can only benefit the right in the long run.

Whoopi did not say "something that is historically the case," as trying to differentiate race from ethnicity is a relatively new phenomena. Hitler certain knew what he meant by "racial purity," and it wasn't today's dumbed-down black and white thinking.
stryder Offline
It makes you wonder what Ancient Philosophers would conclude over a general discussion of woke and what backlash they would likely have from the conclusions they make.

I just hope woke goes the way of other suboptimal subcutural fads and dies a perfect death. (That's figurative to those of the woke, not an actual threat to your personage.)
Magical Realist Offline
I don't see Whoopi's statement as all that offensive. I had assumed the same thing--that it wasn't about race but about hate in general. The Nazis persecuted all sorts of people--gays, gypsies, blacks, etc. I stand corrected now that the Nazi's viewed the Jews as an inferior race. But it's not a mistake that deserves her being fired from the View.
Syne Offline
(Feb 5, 2022 08:50 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: I don't see Whoopi's statement as all that offensive. I had assumed the same thing--that it wasn't about race but about hate in general. The Nazis persecuted all sorts of people--gays, gypsies, blacks, etc. I stand corrected now that the Nazi's viewed the Jews as an inferior race. But it's not a mistake that deserves her being fired from the View.

That's a huge indictment of education in blue/leftist states and cities, that so many would have absolutely no clue about such a huge event in world history. Were you not taught that Hitler specifically rounded up the Jews into concentration camps and into gas chambers? That he singled them out by forcing them to wear the Star of David to identify them to everyone? That there was concerted German propaganda targeting Jews?

No wonder leftists don't think children are being educated about slavery unless they get to teach CRT. If this lack of education on the very basics of the Holocaust exists in leftist/Democrat-run curricula, maybe they are actually just as lacking in education about slavery. No wonder the left produces so many morons. But that's the point, isn't it? If no one knows the history, the leftist politicians can repeat it.
C C Offline
(Feb 5, 2022 08:50 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: I don't see Whoopi's statement as all that offensive. I had assumed the same thing--that it wasn't about race but about hate in general. The Nazis persecuted all sorts of people--gays, gypsies, blacks, etc. I stand corrected now that the Nazi's viewed the Jews as an inferior race. But it's not a mistake that deserves her being fired from the View.

The more specific distinction or narrower term called "racism" is subsumed by the broader category of what she said: "It's about man's inhumanity to man."

But she didn't really seem to understand that herself at the time: "...because the Holocaust isn't about race". IOW, via that comment, she negated the hypernym slash hyponym relationship above.

Later in her apology, though, she seemed to realize that she had abused a general idea to exclude a specific conception: "On today's show, I said the Holocaust 'is not about race, but about man's inhumanity to man.' I should have said it is about both. I stand corrected. The Jewish people around the world have always had my support and that will never waiver. I'm sorry for the hurt I have caused."

Whether what she said deserved all the "you disturbed our sensibilities" ruckus (in conjunction with countless other public figure incidents), however, is another territory.
Syne Offline
ABC immediately fired Roseanne Barr for saying something far less offensive. She only said that Valerie Jarrett looked like someone from Planet of the Apes, not even knowing that Jarrett is part black (only 46% African, but 49% European, according to DNA testing on the show Finding Your Roots). I and many others had no idea Jarrett was part black.

But ABC only suspended Goldberg, for something far worse and to an entire ethnic group, because she's a leftist.
C C Offline
(Feb 5, 2022 10:45 PM)Syne Wrote: ABC immediately fired Roseanne Barr for saying something far less offensive. [...]

Silently deemed her a renegade Jew, too. If minority ethnic groups and LGBT+ plus members don't color within the lines of either progressive or Red Rose dictums, then the media and entertainment industry "seem" to regard them as lower on the scale of humanity than anti-establishment whites and far-right crackers. Traitors -- as if collectivism and "masquerade" liberalism are supposed to be inherent, genetic traits of minorities in the US.
Syne Offline
(Feb 5, 2022 11:20 PM)C C Wrote: If minority ethnic groups and LGBT+ plus members don't color within the lines of either progressive or Red Rose dictums, then the media and entertainment industry "seem" to regard them as lower on the scale of humanity than anti-establishment whites and far-right crackers. Traitors -- as if collectivism and "masquerade" liberalism are supposed to be inherent, genetic traits of minorities in the US.

Just goes to show that Democrat politicians and their "elite" cronies don't really care about minorities as anything other than a way to keep them in power. Whoopi could still be useful for the left.
Yazata Offline
I don't like Whoopi Goldberg and I'm sure that she wouldn't like me either. So part of me does feel some schadenfreude at seeing her in this position.

But as a strong opponent of cancel-culture I might have to side with her on this.

I have never in my life watched 'The View' and have no knowledge of precisely what she said. But if she questioned whether Jews are in fact a "race", then it sounds to me like a legitimate thing to say and not deserving of universal disgust.

Jews may indeed be a "race" in some 19th century use of the word. A group defined by sharing common characteristics (nationalities were once referred to as 'races') and oftentimes by ancestry I guess. Jews themselves have a myth of common ancestry that fits in with that. I'd guess that's how people like Hitler used the word.

Then in the 20th century (and perhaps before) the word was applied to black, white and east asian biological phenotypic types. So we had the 'negro race', the 'oriental race' and the 'caucasian race'. Jews aren't a race in that sense, and I expect that was what Whoopi was trying to say.

Despite there being anthropological reasons to question it (what do we do with Amerinds, Dravidians, Australian Aborigines and all the many human types that don't quite fit into that kind of simplistic scheme?) in contemporary America, that's the dominant usage of the word 'race'. (Just think 'black history month'.) When we fill out government forms we always have to state our race (what business is it of the government's? but that's another issue). The choices we are given are always a little bizarre conceptually, black, white, Asian, Hispanic (what? Having a Spanish surname is a distinct race?) Jews fit in 'white' in that particular scheme.

So while I feel some pleasure at Whoopi's discomfort (nobody deserves it more) I feel some sympathy for her too. I don't like seeing people slapped around by the woke mob for saying something the mob doesn't like. We used to have an ideal of free speech in this country but I guess those days are gone.

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