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“After the keen still days of September, the October sun filled the world with mellow warmth...The maple tree in front of the doorstep burned like a gigantic red torch. The oaks along the roadway glowed yellow and bronze. The fields stretched like a carpet of jewels, emerald and topaz and garnet. Everywhere she walked the color shouted and sang around her...In October any wonderful unexpected thing might be possible.”
― Elizabeth George Speare, The Witch of Blackbird Pond
“I asked him if it were a mirage, and he said yes. I said it was a dream, and he agreed, But said it was the desert's dream not his. And he told me that in a year or so, when he had aged enough for any man, then he would walk into the wind, until he saw the tents. This time, he said, he would go on with them.”
― Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fiction and Illusions
We will remain lost, wandering souls until we can look each other in the eye and smile”
― Marty Rubin
“What a strange thing it is to recognize a sound like the shriek of a wounded animal, when you've never heard the shriek of a wounded animal.”
― John L'Heureux, An Honorable Profession: A Novel
''Rule your mind, or it will rule you.'' - Buddha

Sometimes, I find quotes like this and learn that Buddha never said it.  Blush   I like the quote, anyway.
“Unity is a beast in itself. If a wolf sees two little boys playing in the woods on one side, and a big strong man on the other, he will go to the one who stands alone.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
“Gliding o’er all, through all,Through Nature, Time, and Space,
As a ship on the waters advancing,
The voyage of the soul—not life alone,
Death, many deaths I’ll sing.”
― Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
“Never apologize for showing feelings. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.” ~Benjamin Disraeli
“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
“The richness of the rain made me feel safe and protected; I have always considered the rain to be healing—a blanket—the comfort of a friend. Without at least some rain in any given day, or at least a cloud or two on the horizon, I feel overwhelmed by the information of sunlight and yearn for the vital, muffling gift of falling water.”
― Douglas Coupland, Life After God

[Image: Coulter-Sunderman-Cheyenne-rainy-day-flickr.jpg]