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Random thoughts/comments

Zinjanthropos Offline
(Jul 11, 2021 11:35 PM)confused2 Wrote: I think the Virgin (nearly) reaching space pilots could maybe use it in a slightly modified form - zero-g astronaut - needs some changes but I can see it working with the right audience.
In space with zero g makes you an astronaut ?
They say that gilding a lilly isn't a good thing. Maybe it should stand as a work of art in its own right.

How soon before Branson gets bored with this? What’s he do next?
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Jul 22, 2021 06:26 AM)Magical Realist Wrote: Name something you saw as a kid that traumatized you.

I remember having nightmares about a ventriloquist dummy I saw on a Nestle's Quik commercial. Here's one of those commercials:

As a kid I grew up in a Northern Ontario outpost/village and the only big screen movies I saw were available at the local Catholic Church, in their basement. All the kids paid a dime to get in, was very popular on Friday night. One movie scared the hell out of me and caused me some angst for a few days. Believe it or not the movie was The Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman. Pretty harmless stuff as far as the horror genre went. Since then I think I may have dated a couple of them in real life Big Grin.

The only nightmare I ever experienced from watching a movie was from that one. The Exorcist had many people leaving the light on at bedtime but for some reason a 50’ woman was the scariest for me since I still remember it.
Syne Offline
Not traumatize so much as just grossed out...

When I was about ten years old, my grandparents were having a bull slaughtered. The butcher would come to their farm, shoot it, and field dress it in the pasture. So I asked if I could get the horns. So my grandma comes over and tells me there's something for me in the back of her pickup. I go to look and there's a black plastic bag. I look inside and it turns out the butcher had sawed the horns off with a cross-section of the entire skull, brains still intact. Definitely not what I was expecting/hoping for. So we gave it to our dog to chew on, until the neighbor dog stole it.

Aside from that, probably around age 13, the movie The Return of the Living Dead creeped me out. I think it was specifically the scene where they're sawing off the zombie's head. Never had nightmares about it though.
kiwi Offline
are computers garbage?
Syne Offline
(Jul 23, 2021 04:18 PM)kiwi Wrote: are computers garbage?

Yours might be.
Yazata Offline
As a kid I and my little kid friends used to attend cheap Saturday afternoon movies at a movie theater that was torn down decades ago. The movies they showed were old even then.

And one scared the crap out of me. (And I loved it!)

It was Earth versus the Flying Saucers from 1956. (I saw it some years after that.) What scared me was the idea of attack by beings whose technology made them almost invincible. (Though at the end the brilliant scientists invent a ray that interferes with the saucers propulsion and brings them down). But even as a kid I realized that was a plot-device and that if it really happened, humanity would be screwed. It was like what Agent Smith says to neo, "That Mr. Anderson is the sound of inevitability".
stryder Offline
(Jul 23, 2021 04:56 PM)kiwi Wrote: do I mobile phone?
Is that particular username going to be any different from the half-dozen accounts you've previously had?

I know you are probably a little upset that I keep purging your accounts. That has been done because currently you're posts have been spam, troll like and purposely abusive.

If you change your behaviour from that, fine. If you keep doing it then I'll keep purging your accounts. I'm not doing it to personally attack you, I'm just trying to keep this forum from devolving into the myriad of forums that are disheveled from such antics.

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