Cancelled cell-phone study: Big Tech-Federal government conspiracy or sound science?

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RELATED (scivillage): The Hill promotes a cell phone conspiracy theorist
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A government agency just canceled its $30 million dollar study designed to tell us whether cell phones can cause cancer

EXCERPTS: Since the introduction of cell phones en masse in the 1990s, a small but vociferous faction of health advocates has claimed widespread evidence that radiation from cell phones poses serious cancer risks...

[...] But the issue is again in the news. Last fall, a French regulator — Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR) – forced Apple to reduce the wattage on its iPhone 12s, due to radiation concerns. Note that is an older phone, introduced in 2020. Reflecting the anti-big tech bias in Europe, other European Union member states are now debating whether to follow suit...

[...] The temperature of the never-dormant debate over cell phone safety rose a few degrees in the US over the past week, sparked by a guest essay by epidemiologist Devra Lee Davis in The Hill asking, “Why did [National Institutes of Health] abruptly halt research on the harms of cell phone radiation?”

Davis is head of the Environmental Health Trust, an organization advocating for stricter regulation of radiofrequency energy from cell phones and other sources.

[...] She claims that the NIH sub-division National Toxicology Program “quietly” scuttled research on the “biological or environmental impacts of cell phones,” suggesting it was part of an industry-influenced coverup...

[...] Let’s unpack this “shocking reversal” as she characterizes it, and take a fresh look at the never-ending controversy... (MORE - missing details)

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