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Article  DIY interpretation: The role of synchronicity in personal growth (Carl Jung)

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VIDEO EXCERPTS: After Carl Jung's initial encounters with synchronicity, he began to collaborate with the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who was struggling with a personal crisis that led him to seek therapy from Jung. During their collaboration Paulie became increasingly interested in the concept of synchronicity, and the two began to explore it together.

[...] Jung outlined the key principles of synchronicity which he believed were essential for understanding the phenomenon. These principles include the idea that synchronistic events are meaningful and purposeful despite lacking a causal connection. Jung also believed that synchronicity was a universal phenomenon with no regard for time or space. Additionally he argued that the experience of synchronicity is subjective and can only be truly understood by the individual who experiences it.

[...] Synchronicity is a concept that is difficult to define but can be understood as a meaningful coincidence that is not causally linked. It is not the same as mere coincidence as there is an element of meaning and purpose that is not present in random chance events. In other words, synchronicity is a sign that something significant is happening in our lives and it is up to us to interpret its meaning.

One of the key principles of synchronicity is the connection between inner and outer events. Jung believed that our interstates such as our thoughts, emotions, and dreams can have a profound impact on the events that occur in our
lives. For example, if we are struggling with a particular issue and then suddenly encounter someone who offers guidance or support -- that encounter may be considered synchronistic. It is as if the universe is sending us a message in
response to our inner state.

Another important principle is the difference between synchronicity and mere coincidence. While both involve a connection between events, synchronicity is characterized by a sense of meaningfulness and purpose. Whereas coincidence is simply a chance occurrence.

Understanding these principles can help us recognize and interpret synchronistic events in our lives by paying attention to our inner states and being open to the possibility of synchronicity we can
gain valuable insights into ourselves and the world around us

Aith that said, let's dive deeper into the world of Carl Jung and explore the concept of archetypes and the collective unconscious.

Archetypes in the collective unconscious play a significant role in the occurrence of synchronicity. According to Jung, archetypes are universal symbols and images that have existed since the dawn of time and are present in our collective unconscious.

These archetypes can influence the events that occur in our lives and can lead to synchronistic experiences. For instance the archetype of the wise old man or woman can appear in dreams or in real life situations, offering guidance and insight into a problem or dilemma. This encounter may be perceived as a coincidence, but it could also be a manifestation of synchronicity where the inner and outer worlds converge to provide meaningful guidance.

Furthermore the collective unconscious can also play a role in synchronistic events...
Magical Realist Online
Quote:Another important principle is the difference between synchronicity and mere coincidence. While both involve a connection between events, synchronicity is characterized by a sense of meaningfulness and purpose. Whereas coincidence is simply a chance occurrence.

I've noticed meaningful synchronicities popping up at those times of my life I am most vulnerable and changing alot of things. Moving to a new city with no prior connections to it, which I've done twice in my life, is one of those times.

But there is another kind of synchronicity that occurs for seemingly no purpose at all except that it is bewildering and magical in nature. That's when I am reading a word or phrase on the internet or in a book and the TV says that thing at exactly the moment I read it. It happens often enough to not be mere coincidence.

Last week as I was reading the phrase "enough is enough" on Facebook the news reporter on TV said it! I simply take these moments as distant bugle calls from the universe to open myself to it's ongoing mystery and richness. Little nudges from some invisible companion to stay alert and attentive to everything that is happening around me.
Magical Realist Online
"French writer Émile Deschamps claims in his memoirs that, in 1805, he was treated to some plum pudding by a stranger named Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, the writer encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him that the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turned out to be de Fontgibu. Many years later, in 1832, Deschamps was at a dinner and once again ordered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friends that only de Fontgibu was missing to make the setting complete—and in the same instant, the now-senile de Fontgibu entered the room, having got the wrong address."---

"In 1972, Anthony Hopkins was going through a divorce, his career was faltering, and his drinking habit was heading towards a dangerous height. He decided that the cure was to throw himself into his work and try to set his sights on more expansive roles. His stage work had been revered but onscreen, back-to-back stuffy spy roles in serious John le Carré-inspired action films were not only middling, but they were also driving him towards a typecast fate.

So, he set about branching out. Soon the offer to audition for a comedy came his way. Hopkins was delighted. He was going to give this role his all. The film was The Girl from Petrovka and Hopkins was set to support the two lead talents in the tale of comically star-crossed lovers. As the synopsis states: “A beautiful Russian ballerina (Goldie Hawn) falls in love with an American news correspondent (Hal Halbrook). The K.G.B. is most displeased, and does everything it can to break them up.

If Hopkins was going to use this as a career launchpad, he needed to knuckle down into his research. So, he set out to acquire the novel of the same name by the American journalist George Feifer on which the script was based. The book had been published in the US the previous year, in 1971. So, Hopkins set out to pick up a copy from a bookstore on London’s Charing Cross Road. He hopped on the tube and headed off, only to be informed by the shopkeeper that the book was not yet available in the UK.

With that, Hopkins turned on his heels, headed to Leicester Square station, and mulled over how best to order a copy from the US in time for his audition. As he sat down on a bench and awaited his train, he noticed the pages of an abandoned bound manuscript fluttering in the breeze alongside him. He moseyed over and, to his astonishment, found that he was flicking through the pages of The Girl from Petrovka.

This was a gally edition complete with editorial annotations for the UK market. So, not only did Hopkins manage to get a copy of the book, he essentially found a personalised print – the first person to see this UK-tailored edition, no less – with extra contextualising information. He read it in a sitting, ventured off to his audition and landed the role..."---

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