Article  Just how much do Americans dislike atheists?

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EXCERPTS: Which group is the most ostracized in America? If you grew evangelical like I did, you were told that conservative Christians were the most marginalized group in American society. It was almost a badge of honor. I can’t tell you how many times I heard preachers quote James 1:12, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test.” If you are being persecuted, it means you are living boldly for Jesus.

However, I think at least some of that persecution was (and is) imagined. At least that’s the conclusion I’ve arrived at after seeing a bunch of disparate pieces of data from a variety of sources over the last decade or so.

When it comes down to it, I think the most empirically defensible conclusion is that atheists face more persecution and animus in American society than another other “religious” group.

Let’s start with some data from the American National Election Study...

[...] About half of Americans would be unhappy if a close family member married an atheist. That’s crazy high! In comparison about one in ten folks would be upset if their family member married a born-again Christian. Pretty hard to square those numbers with the narrative about evangelical persecution. To be fair, 57% of people said that it wouldn’t matter if the person that was joining their family was born-again, but that’s a lot more ambivalence than outright anger.

Who would be the most upset? Christians, primarily. 77% of white evangelicals don’t want an atheist in their family, it’s 67% of Black Protestants and 55% of Catholics. Mainline Protestants are the hold outs - only 46% don’t want their family member to marry an atheist.

Here’s what I think is really interesting, though. Among non-religious people, there’s not a clear answer about who is worse: an atheist or an evangelical. For instance, 28% of atheist/agnostics don’t want their family member to marry an evangelical. But 13% don’t want them to marry an atheist, either. Among nothing in particulars, they would actually be more likely to be upset if an atheist joined the family compared to an evangelical.

[...] Islam and the Latter-day Saints are seen fairly equally by the public - about 42% unfavorable and 20% favorable.

Atheists score just slightly better than that. 38% of Americans have an unfavorable view of them, while 24% are favorable. But nearly forty percent are ambivalent. Agnostics are a bit more liked. Their unfavorables are just 29%. But their favorables are 24%, which is no different than atheists.

[...] 34% of Democrats have a positive opinion of atheists, compared to just 23% who have a negative view. Republicans are the exact opposite of that - 34% negative/23% positive. But there’s another way to look at this: two-thirds of Republicans don’t express a negative view of atheists. That’s not what I would describe as overwhelming disdain. There may be some social desirability bias or even acquiescence bias happening here, but I still think this finding tempers the conversation just a bit... (MORE - missing details)
Syne Offline
Culturally, meaning media that is the largest expression of culture, Christians are the most ostracized. But all people, whether consciously or not, realize that people with staunch values are objectively better people.
Magical Realist Offline
Mass or average sentiment is lazy and lethargic. Ignoring subtle distinctions and more refined adjectives, it settles upon one negatively charged categorical like "atheist" to sum up how to feel about atheists. It thereby bypasses any required thought or understanding about the reality it refers to.

“In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
― Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation
Syne Offline
But people do self-identify as atheists. No one self-identifies as non-astrologer, non-alchemist, etc.. So Harris is drawing a faulty comparison. Don't like it? Get all those people to quit self-identifying as atheists.
Secular Sanity Offline
What’s the difference between an atheist and a non-believer?
Magical Realist Offline
I think atheists have tried to reduce the stigma of their atheistic position to a more positive term: secular humanists. That way they wouldn't be defined soley by the negative "A-theist"--of NOT believing this or that. Secular humanism otoh provides a rational basis for positive values of critical thinking, reason, and an underlying faith in humanity to solve its problems. It's not really a belief system like religion is so much as a worldview based on science and rational thought.
Secular Sanity Offline
(Jun 26, 2023 08:39 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: I think atheists have tried to reduce the stigma of their atheistic position to a more positive term: secular humanists. That way they wouldn't be defined soley by the negative "A-theist"--of NOT believing this or that. Secular humanism otoh provides a rational basis for positive values of critical thinking, reason, and an underlying faith in humanity to solve its problems. It's not really a belief system like religion is so much as a worldview based on science and rational thought.

What are you when you start to lose your faith in humanity to solve its problems?

A sad secularist, perhaps?
Zinjanthropos Offline
Cognitive dissonance? Do believers dislike atheists because it doesn’t appear God’s doing anything about them, like perhaps teaching them a lesson? They may become anxious thinking God not being real is the truth but if you say God treats/loves everyone equally then it’s ok and faith restored …….just guessing that has something to do with it.
Syne Offline
Since some percentage of atheists/agnostics also don't want their family marrying an atheist, it can't be solely about the religious beliefs. That fact probably induces cognitive dissonance in the non-believers. Believers are very accustom to the idea that most evil will only be punished in the afterlife.

The fact that people identify as atheist or non-believer illustrates that belief is the default.

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