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Russian Ukraine Invasion

C C Offline
(Sep 21, 2022 01:15 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote:
(Sep 21, 2022 12:55 AM)Yazata Wrote: Lots of talk is coming out of Russia tonight, saying that State Duma (parliament) has passed a new law and it has gone to Putin's desk for signature. There's supposed to be a nationwide TV address tomorrow morning (8 AM Moscow time) featuring both Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu. (The address was moved back from this afternoon, because they want to broadcast it when it's daytime in all of Russia, including the far east Pacific coast.)

Rumor is that it will announce a national mobilization and make it illegal for all males between 18 and 65 to leave the country. They are said to moving away from the quasi-peacetime situation in Russia as they fight this war. So if this is true, then Putin is going all-in on the Ukraine war, World War II style.

It should probably be said that Ukraine has been in a similar mobilization since the invasion in February.

they will be more meat for the grinder

Glory to Ukraine

That lines up with the SHTF doomsayers claiming he allowed things to get sloppy for the sake of justifying a full-blown war. But all the lost territory, abandoned equipment, and sacrificed troops says unintentionally getting there.
Yazata Offline
There's talk of Moscow airports already being crammed with young men (probably the wealthier sort) trying to get on flights to Istanbul Turkey. 'How to leave Russia' is perhaps the most common search on the Russian internet right now. Airline ticket prices are spiking.

Vnukovo (one of the 4 big Moscow airports) to Istanbul:

[Image: FdIs8-9XkAEj7Jk?format=jpg&name=large]
[Image: FdIs8-9XkAEj7Jk?format=jpg&name=large]

C C Offline
(Sep 21, 2022 01:24 AM)Yazata Wrote: There's talk of Moscow airports already being crammed with young men (probably the wealthier sort) trying to get on flights to Istanbul Turkey. 'How to leave Russia' is perhaps the most common search on the Russian internet right now.

If some of the ethnic parts of Russia truly started rebelling again due to perception of military weakness, then subjugating Ukraine at the expense of Russian security and national integrity would really make this stand out as a super-pathological fixation of Vlad's. No one could continue to obfuscate the condition of him having gone bonkers.

But I don't expect that to happen; any more than recurrent speculations over the years of Vlad being deposed by Russian citizens or higher agencies has been anything other than hopelessly idle fantasy.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Sep 21, 2022 01:18 AM)C C Wrote:
(Sep 21, 2022 01:15 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote:
(Sep 21, 2022 12:55 AM)Yazata Wrote: Lots of talk is coming out of Russia tonight, saying that State Duma (parliament) has passed a new law and it has gone to Putin's desk for signature. There's supposed to be a nationwide TV address tomorrow morning (8 AM Moscow time) featuring both Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu. (The address was moved back from this afternoon, because they want to broadcast it when it's daytime in all of Russia, including the far east Pacific coast.)

Rumor is that it will announce a national mobilization and make it illegal for all males between 18 and 65 to leave the country. They are said to moving away from the quasi-peacetime situation in Russia as they fight this war. So if this is true, then Putin is going all-in on the Ukraine war, World War II style.

It should probably be said that Ukraine has been in a similar mobilization since the invasion in February.

they will be more meat for the grinder

Glory to Ukraine

That lines up with the SHTF doomsayers claiming he allowed things to get sloppy for the sake of justifying a full-blown war. But all the lost territory, abandoned equipment, and sacrificed troops says unintentionally getting there.

Russian military is a complete disaster
100,000 casualtys & putin wants 100,000 more

i wonder if the ruble is being sold cheaply for turkish lira
turkeys economy can do with the extra money
a middle class russian could live like a king in turkey

russia cuts off dead soldiers salarys to the widows and doesn't list the soldier as dead to avoid having to pay out death payments & lists them as missing in action, one was listed as away on a business trip when he was in a comma in hospital

from what i gather from reading all this info my guess is putin will install military rule in the surrounding states and start conscripting men into the military to use as front line cannon fodder, declaring provincial mobilizations from the poor & surrounding provinces.
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Sep 21, 2022 12:55 AM)Yazata Wrote: Lots of talk is coming out of Russia tonight, saying that State Duma (parliament) has passed a new law and it has gone to Putin's desk for signature. There's supposed to be a nationwide TV address tomorrow morning (8 AM Moscow time) featuring both Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu. (The address was moved back from this afternoon, because they want to broadcast it when it's daytime in all of Russia, including the far east Pacific coast.)

Rumor is that it will announce a national mobilization and make it illegal for all males between 18 and 65 to leave the country. They are said to moving away from the quasi-peacetime situation in Russia as they fight this war. So if this is true, then Putin is going all-in on the Ukraine war, World War II style.

It should probably be said that Ukraine has been in a similar mobilization since the invasion in February.

Starting to sound like a paranoid Bohemian Corporal who has lost trust in his Generals, sitting in his bunker waiting for Steiner’s corp to rescue the day. A successful Valkyrie would be nice.

If the article is true then I would consider it an indication Ukraine is winning the war and Russian casualties are high.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
what has russia got that china would want ?
oil & gas ? diamonds ?

25 minutes until Moscow 8am time
Yazata Offline
Russian publication says Putin's nationwide TV address will be 9AM-10AM Moscow time.

They believe that its content will be announcement of first steps of Russian annexation of occupied parts of Ukraine. According to this version, referendums are to be held Sept 23 to 27 in the Luhansk and Donetsk "people's republics", in occupied Kherson oblast, and in the Russian occupied portion of Zaporozhye oblast.

I guess we will just have to wait to see what Putin actually says.

(Sep 21, 2022 05:28 AM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: what has russia got that china would want ?

Russia has lots of mineral resources. It has all that natural gas that Europe is no longer getting. It also exports grain. China is ravenous for raw materials and for food to feed their huge population.

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