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Russian Ukraine Invasion

stryder Offline
(Dec 15, 2022 06:21 PM)RainbowUnicorn Wrote: LoL
Orcs putting dragons teeth on the beaches of crimea & digging trenches in the beach to defend against ukrainian secret bio-weapons lab duck attack.

some talk is that this shows the russian black sea fleet has been strategically defeated.

Those Dragons teeth could be useful to Ukraine with a little bit of re-engineering. If you take those pyramids of cement and turn them upside down and then force them into somewhere extremely muddy, you could probably build an improvised causeway that tanks can run across. Theory being that it would aid displacing the weight of vehicles moving over the top while also creating a "safe" path. (although actually being out in the open and reorientating them would be beyond dangerous)
confused2 Offline
DouglasMacgregor Wrote:We already know that large quantities of the equipment have been sold off to others around the world including ISIS.

In 2015 The International Business Times reported:

Quote:Ukraine Weapons To ISIS? Kiev Denies Charge After Islamic State Terrorists Caught In Kuwait

Quote:Lebanese citizen Osama Khayat, who was arrested this week in Kuwait with other suspects, said he purchased arms in Ukraine that were meant to be delivered to the militant group in Syria via smuggling routes in Turkey.

Zelensky didn't become prime minister until May 2019 (4 years after the IBT report) so I think Magregor needs to be a bit more specific than just throwing shit and hoping it sticks.

Is this classic misdirection? Are there any actual verifiable reports of any significant number of arms supplied since the start of the latest war being sold off? If not then Col Macgregor would seem to be just another slippery fish in a pond full of slippery fish.
stryder Offline
It's known that the Luhansk Region region was responsible for smuggling (as per the 2019 arrest in Italy where an air-to-air Missile was ceased). Those were pro-russians and for the most part weren't even Ukrainian. (Albanian, Serbian etc and notibly Neo-nazi/fascist)
Kornee Offline
(Dec 18, 2022 04:24 PM)confused2 Wrote:
DouglasMacgregor Wrote:We already know that large quantities of the equipment have been sold off to others around the world including ISIS.

In 2015 The International Business Times reported:

Quote:Ukraine Weapons To ISIS? Kiev Denies Charge After Islamic State Terrorists Caught In Kuwait

Quote:Lebanese citizen Osama Khayat, who was arrested this week in Kuwait with other suspects, said he purchased arms in Ukraine that were meant to be delivered to the militant group in Syria via smuggling routes in Turkey.

Zelensky didn't become prime minister until May 2019 (4 years after the IBT report) so I think Magregor needs to be a bit more specific than just throwing shit and hoping it sticks.

Is this classic misdirection? Are there any actual verifiable reports of any significant number of arms supplied since the start of the latest war being sold off? If not then Col Macgregor would seem to be just another slippery fish in a pond full of slippery fish.
No date but clearly post Russian 'special military operation' commencement:
This one with a date:

Is it really mostly incompetence and lack of oversight? Or dirty defacto black budget diversions to other strategic targets? Someone knows.
Photo  confused2 Offline
We live in the post-truth era. Anything you can tease out may be the truth or may be the deception.
Looking at:
There's a picture of the disposable launch tube of a Javelin missile which is the bit left behind after the missile has been fired.  Unless the arms dealer is in the business of selling  tubes what he has is worthless - even the carry strap which might be useful as a belt has been removed. So how does the disposable tube left behind after a  Javelin missile has been fired end up in Syria? It would be a bit risky for an arms dealer to sell an empty tube to a terrorist - they're probably a bit unpredictable when  faced with such an obvious con. The alternatives are that the arms dealer was conned by another party or the reporters took it there themselves or the photo is totally bogus and has no connection with the nonsense text woven around it.

[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]
[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]

Quote:The US-made Javelin anti-tank missile, which the arms dealer in Idlib took from the Ukrainian commanders. He then brought them into Syria, a region controlled by terrorist jihadists.

There's better fake truth (and probably worse) around.
Kornee Offline
(Dec 19, 2022 12:27 AM)confused2 Wrote: We live in the post-truth era. Anything you can tease out may be the truth or may be the deception.
Looking at:
There's a picture of the disposable launch tube of a Javelin missile which is the bit left behind after the missile has been fired.  Unless the arms dealer is in the business of selling  tubes what he has is worthless - even the carry strap which might be useful as a belt has been removed. So how does the disposable tube left behind after a  Javelin missile has been fired end up in Syria? It would be a bit risky for an arms dealer to sell an empty tube to a terrorist - they're probably a bit unpredictable when  faced with such an obvious con. The alternatives are that the arms dealer was conned by another party or the reporters took it there themselves or the photo is totally bogus and has no connection with the nonsense text woven around it.

[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]
[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]

Quote:The US-made Javelin anti-tank missile, which the arms dealer in Idlib took from the Ukrainian commanders. He then brought them into Syria, a region controlled by terrorist jihadists.

There's better fake truth (and probably worse) around.
What to say? Focusing on one photo and interpreting a certain way (arrived already used??!! vs used as claimed then photoed) is actually a comprehensive rebuttal of a clearly established overall pattern?!.

It's no secret there is a strong human nature tendency to believe what one wants to believe, and ignore or downplay/distort all the rest.

PS - recall the original counter to my #1264 was 'way out of date info'. Not that that particularly mattered - all such events still well after the 2014 coup.
Now the counter argument shifts to 'fake news' - without acknowledging the original rebuttal is demonstrably false.

PPS - It's ALWAYS been a 'post truth era'.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Dec 19, 2022 12:52 AM)Kornee Wrote:
(Dec 19, 2022 12:27 AM)confused2 Wrote: We live in the post-truth era. Anything you can tease out may be the truth or may be the deception.
Looking at:
There's a picture of the disposable launch tube of a Javelin missile which is the bit left behind after the missile has been fired.  Unless the arms dealer is in the business of selling  tubes what he has is worthless - even the carry strap which might be useful as a belt has been removed. So how does the disposable tube left behind after a  Javelin missile has been fired end up in Syria? It would be a bit risky for an arms dealer to sell an empty tube to a terrorist - they're probably a bit unpredictable when  faced with such an obvious con. The alternatives are that the arms dealer was conned by another party or the reporters took it there themselves or the photo is totally bogus and has no connection with the nonsense text woven around it.

[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]
[Image: odatv_image_82__ef8eee8574cc46.jpg?w=500&ssl=1]

Quote:The US-made Javelin anti-tank missile, which the arms dealer in Idlib took from the Ukrainian commanders. He then brought them into Syria, a region controlled by terrorist jihadists.

There's better fake truth (and probably worse) around.
What to say? Focusing on one photo and interpreting a certain way (arrived already used??!! vs used as claimed then photoed) is actually a comprehensive rebuttal of a clearly established overall pattern?!.

It's no secret there is a strong human nature tendency to believe what one wants to believe, and ignore or downplay/distort all the rest.

PS - recall the original counter to my #1264 was 'way out of date info'. Not that that particularly mattered - all such events still well after the 2014 coup.
Now the counter argument shifts to 'fake news' - without acknowledging the original rebuttal is demonstrably false.

PPS - It's ALWAYS been a 'post truth era'.

looks very dusty and well used like its been rolling around in the back of a pick up truck

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