"Infamous" webTV users.!!!

cluelusshusbund Offline
If you cant find somptin good to say about 'em... say somptin bad... lol.!!!

Tina---She coud type faster than her brain coud work Smile

Last i herd about her is that she went to college;;; i feel sorry for any professors tryin to teech her evolution Sad
C C Offline
I had virtually forgotten her -- memory kind of drowned out by Anita in later years, who was far more "out there" with her mishmash of ancient astronauts, Christianity, "white people are from Mars" and all the rest. Wink

What was Tina's most infamous quote? Something about her being elated over 9-11-01 because it was an indication of God's whatever...?

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Boggles the mind that Smokey John died over nine years ago. In retrospect, it just doesn't seem like his activity was solely confined to the pre-August 2005 era. Marksman and SJ becoming friends was right out of Surprise City; and many of his former ones thought he had gone off the deep-end defending Bush, etc. The "conservative atheist" coming fully out of the closet around then.
cluelusshusbund Offline
I had forgot about Tinas 9-11 coment... but she was prolly surrounded by people wit that type of mindset an didnt fully realize how it woud be received.!!!

An yes... Aneta left Tina in the dust... but Aneta had the advantage wit the Holey-Books that she paid $500,000 dollars for... which explained dam near everthang.!!!    

The atheists woudnt agree wit Johns politics so he made frinds wit the Christans... an i also got on a frindly basis wit Marksman over moon rotation--an wound up on Ken Dines sht list... lol... all in all... fun wacky times :-)

An not last nor least was the "Canadas Best" an "Some1" discussions... perty wild an woolly around 1997.!!!
C C Offline
(Oct 20, 2014 03:13 AM)cluelusshusbund Wrote: An not last nor least was the "Canadas Best" an "Some1" discussions... perty wild an woolly around 1997.!!!

I can't even remember what year CB became one of those that more or less disappeared for good.
cluelusshusbund Offline
(Oct 21, 2014 04:19 PM)C C Wrote: I can't even remember what year CB became one of those that more or less disappeared for good.

Im thankin it was before Tina made her 9-11 coment... so im guessin CB left around 2000.!!!

Yazata might remember.!!!

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