Chemistry, Physics & Mathematics
- No quantum exorcism for Maxwell's demon (but it doesn't need one) + New proofs probe (0 Replies)
- The tumultuous birth of quantum mechanics (0 Replies)
- Even quantum physics obeys law of entropy + Chemical looping turns waste into fuel (0 Replies)
- What broke calculus + Physics of Wild Cards universe + Bacteria eat PFAS chemicals (0 Replies)
- The Jewel at the center of the universe (2 Replies)
- Are gravitons real? + Do impossible particles exist? + Revealing hidden dimensions (0 Replies)
- QM entanglement within protons + 25-year update on “Millennium problems" in physics (0 Replies)
- Physicists measure quantum geometry of electrons for first time (0 Replies)
- Physicists find 'quantum embezzlement' could offer infinite source of entanglement (0 Replies)
- Breaking boundaries: Researchers isolate quantum coherence in classical light systems (0 Replies)
- First demonstration of quantum teleportation over busy internet cables (0 Replies)
- Quantum reason behind the solidity of matter + Particle with mass in only 1 direction (1 Reply)
- The fabric of space is a Cheshire Cat + 5 mathematical formulas from ancient times (2 Replies)
- Primordial black holes hiding in planets, even everyday objects on Earth (0 Replies)
- New theory reveals the shape of a single photon (1 Reply)
- In the quantum world, even points of view are uncertain (0 Replies)
- How to make peace with the weirdness of quantum mechanics (0 Replies)
- Small nuclear reactors -not doing well? (1 Reply)
- Is Europe running out of chemistry teachers? (0 Replies)
- 100 yr old chemistry rule broken + Classical worlds from parallel quantum universes? (1 Reply)