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The nature of the world

zhangjinyuan Offline
The nature of the world

After the research and exploration of scientists, our universe is a huge energy concentrated in a point, formed by a big explosion

Before the big bang, we don't know whether there was a universe before the big bang. But if there was a big bang, from the perspective of probability, the universe will not disappear, and there will be a probability of a new big bang [or other big bang of the universe]

The world should be made up of matter and information. Everything is matter

Because of the explosion, energy produces a lot of materials, such as the galaxy, solar system, and our earth. We are all composed and transformed by the energy under the framework of the universe

Just as water evaporates into steam, it is not water that disappears, but is transformed into other forms

Everything is matter, but in different forms

In the first big bang, a lot of materials and elements were produced, and life is one of them

Life is actually made up of matter and information

Matter was originally made up of elements, but with the advent of DNA, life began to store information

Bacteria, cells, multicellular, organisms, are all substances, substances that can store and process information

Under the influence of evolutionism, the materials that can not inherit information and transmit less information are gradually eliminated
The cells that feel light gradually evolve. The eyes that need to move to survive have evolved into limbs. Everything is composed of evolution, material and information

We humans are born, from the beginning of the baby, began to use the five senses, eyes, ears and so on to receive information, and in the brain processing these information, and cause the corresponding conditioned reflex

For example, when we see our parents waving and talking, we form a wave memory in our brain. If we receive the same information, we will naturally begin to wave

From birth to death, we have been receiving information, storing and processing this information. Our every move is not that we have free will, but after receiving the updated new information and processing the old and new information, the conditioned reflection is our action

In the final analysis, life is actually material and information

Of course, in addition to memory, this information also contains genetic information passed down from generation to generation.

At this time, some people may have doubts. We clearly control our own behavior. We have free will. There are obvious differences between us

It's true that everyone has his own first perspective. Even if two twins or clones live in the same environment, their first perspective brings different information

Just a little difference, the speed of information processing and decision-making will make two completely different people, but the essence is still the processing of material and information

Everything is made up of matter and information

People walking on the street talking, to some extent, are a bunch of particles and cells, which are a whole. In the process of genetic information and information received from small to large, people and people are the processing and interaction between information and information

All human emotions are information

Man, as a whole, is the essence
The purpose of this explanation is not to tell people anything in a negative way, but how the original energy of the big bang was transformed into matter, into biology and human beings

To be precise, in the future, if science and technology progress, we can collect all the information from small to large from a person's first perspective, as well as the information of genetic DNA, and almost predict the behavior of a person

But like the butterfly effect, there are too many external factors in the world, and all small factors may lead to the turning of events

There may be some uncertain differences in the speed with which information is processed and which information should be prioritized

And I think, for example, for micro particles, there may be some uncertainties such as probability. You may predict which information they will give priority to,

Just as it is impossible to determine the specific position of a particle without observing the particle, there are some uncertain probability problems, and the calculation will become troublesome

Information influences the trend of reality, but is information material? Some materialism evades saying that information does not belong to matter, we do not need to discuss information

But I think that if we adhere to materialism, then everything is material, and there is no thing that is not material. I think information also belongs to matter

But there are some doubts about this kind of information

According to the law of conservation of energy, we know that in the whole framework of the universe, no matter can disappear without a void. It can even go to other universes, but it absolutely does not exist and disappear

Disappearing is beyond our imagination

Water, evaporates into gas, gas transforms into something else, this energy doesn't disappear, it's always changing

Even if the decay of microscopic particles, the collision of positive and negative matter is offset, it is only converted into other energy or something

The total energy of the universe is constant

Don't understand disappear, disappear what is, standing in front of you a magician suddenly disappeared, he did not transform into anything, but disappeared

My understanding is that our world does not exist, from being to nothing

That's the conservation of energy, but what about information?

If information does not belong to matter, then all things exist and are not material things. We can go back a little bit and say that information is not material, but it is a thing attached to material existence, but I think this kind of explanation is not very difficult for people to fully accept

But if it belongs to matter, many things are difficult to explain, just as we wrote a lot of code in the computer, but we are not satisfied with it and deleted it, then the information should normally disappear

But if there is the concept of disappearance, it does not conform to the above arguments

We can only assume that information is not matter, it does not have to obey the law of conservation of energy

But just like DNA genetic information, spreading information, information affects the development of matter, information can be stored and processed on the material

But this makes us have a lot of doubts. This information is only at the level of human understanding. If the information is allowed to be watched by a cat, it is meaningless

So if there is no biological understanding in the world, then information doesn't make any sense?

But human is the product of material and information. If there is no human in this world, then the information will disappear? Is it meaningless to change?

I can't get an exact explanation for the current development of science

As for those religious people, if the information after death must be preserved, then he is the soul and will be reincarnated

I'm an atheist, but there are some things that science can't completely explain. I hope that future human beings can solve this problem

Is information material, where it is stored, and if there is no life, is information valuable? Can I save it?

But it is inferred that if there were no human beings, assuming that human beings would perish, and all the events and information from ancient times to the present can be preserved, then we can even find some information before the big bang

If you can keep it.. ]

At present, human development is very slow, a large part of the reason is that information dissemination and access is still too backward

Compared with the ancient times, people's transportation and technology were very backward. When a person found some information, he could not quickly transmit it to many similar people in the world

But now, our people have a lot of information, we can quickly spread the information to all parts of the world through the Internet

For example, our scientists have found a way to treat a disease. This method can spread quickly in today's society. This is the progress of information

But that's not enough

We still have a lot of information only spread in a certain space, and our evolution, the speed and form of brain access to knowledge has not kept pace with the development of the times

When a child begins to learn physics and mathematics from a young age, he has to spend a large part of his life to become a leader in physics and mathematics

But people's life span is limited, this time is still a little longer

If technology wants to take a big step forward in the future, I think it should be the implantation of information into the brain

For example, in the future, our way of learning is to quickly and directly transfer knowledge to the human brain, without spending years or even decades to learn and understand

But this technology needs too many conditions, including a thorough analysis of the human brain, and the interpretation of the essence of information

To achieve this technology, we need a lot of breakthroughs in science and technology

And the human brain from the evolutionary point of view, I don't think it can quickly accept these, although the human brain has not developed a lot of places, but so quickly into too much information, I think the ability to bear is still limited

So in fact, the future of science and technology will still develop on artificial AI. Although we don't want to admit it, it is true that the human body may not be able to keep up with the progress of science to some extent

Many of the problems mentioned above can be solved on machines
The robot has infinite life, the speed of processing information and the capacity of storing information are several times larger than that of human beings

The human body may face many external risks. For example, Alan Musk's Mars exploration requires too much consideration for the human body's endurance

Even if the future of science and technology can make the speed of spaceships faster, we humans always have to consider whether the human body can withstand such speed

Robots think less about this

This is contradictory. On the one hand, we want to make technology more advanced to find the final answer to the universe, but on the other hand, we don't want robots to replace us

We are even more afraid that one day artificial AI, which surpasses our own in any respect, will destroy us one day

What's more contradictory is that, as we said at the beginning, our life is in the final analysis the formation of micro particles, energy and matter. Cells, brain, memory and information are only a form of development

What if we don't have the essence of the western free will?

To know people's emotions, happiness, anger, sadness and joy is also a kind of information embodiment

The future may be a world of humans, artificial AI, transformed half human and half robot

Just as human beings still quarrel and wage war over boring issues, these are contradictions that must exist

However, no matter what it develops into, I still hope that whether it is human or artificial AI, there is no difference between them. There is no need to eliminate one of them. We are all materials and information

The meaning of our existence is only to find our meaning and the answer to the universe

From the point of view that human is the processing of material and information memory, if artificial AI wants to reach the level of [human], first of all

There must be no problem with the amount of information stored and the speed of processing

But at present, the advantages of human beings lie in the information brought by genetic DNA and the processing of the memories formed from childhood. How does the human brain extract these memories and information and determine the action to be taken

This is a difficulty. For example, I want to go to a bar to drink in the evening. Why do I want to drink today? In the memory information, there are various kinds of information extraction, such as "I am thirsty", "I promise Jack to drink", "I will go home to eat with my wife"

Why does the human brain give priority to [I decide to drink at night]? There are too many problems to be clarified. I am not a scientist, but I think that to a large extent, it is meaningless if only the speed and capacity exceed that of human beings

It is necessary to make clear how people decide which information to deal with first under numerous information, and it is likely to involve quantum uncertainty and randomness

These should also be a crucial difficulty for a machine to break through into a real human being

However, if the principle of human information processing is successfully imitated, then there will be a faster and larger amount of artificial AI than human beings. After being created, the progress of science and technology will be far faster than that of all ages

Thousands of years of human invention masterpiece, will be used by this artificial AI several times a hundred times the speed, also create unimaginable technology

And they should also achieve self-improvement according to the hardware, just like the evolution of our biology

At that time, it may be possible to find the ultimate answer to the universe before the extinction of mankind

To be honest, the current technology is too slow, and it is difficult to improve rapidly. It can only be achieved through artificial AI and computers, but this is actually the most difficult breakthrough.

Do humans have souls? Is there a God and Buddha in the world?

To be honest, I'm an atheist. Many things said by religion can't be proved. It's just words and imagination. I'd rather apologize to the old man if I really see God after death

But the exploration of technology and the world is too slow. I can't trust them all. I have to add my imagination

I don't think there is such a thing as God, and it will enter the circle. If God exists, who does God? "God is himself, and no one has made it." this is obviously not the answer

I'd rather believe that our world is created by more intelligent creatures, or things like the ultimate computer, to kill time or experiment for them. In short, this idea is more reliable than God

I even fantasize that they have created us, and perhaps will be the information of our lives. For example, they save the information of Einstein's life and use it as an advanced VR experience in their world?

As Roger Penrose conjectured, the universe may be cyclical. There can be a universe from nothing. Since there can be a universe, there are many probabilities. If there is a probability, we have the universe before. Of course, we are the first one, and we can not rule out it

If the universe collapses back and becomes a point again, it must explode again

Of course, we can't rule out that our universe is torn apart, hot and cold, and other universes may come into being, and our universe is disposable

It is also entirely possible

When many young people talk about the universe, in addition to studying the universe and physical science, more and more people are very negative, especially when the conclusion of the end, extinction and collapse of the universe is reached, young people always keep pessimistic ideas

I have seen many posts, they always reply negatively to others [it's meaningless], [we'll die sooner or later, we can't see the future] negative attitude has affected other people's lives. I don't think it should be like this. The future of mankind is unknown

Even our world is unknown

Why did you suddenly have this world?? How the world will come into being, how it will evolve, what will happen in the future, is unknown

Only the current big bang theory has solved part of the problem, and there are many unknowns in the future. We can understand the past through information, but we can't accurately predict the future

There's so much unknown and unexplored

In any case, no matter when we are in this world as particles or energy, we will always be in this world. Life and death are just illusions. We are always in the universe

Who knows the nature of the world? This is also the ultimate answer we want to know as matter, energy, and human beings
Zinjanthropos Offline
Your posts are incredibly long. You’d make a great politician.

Since you like to theorize about information I’ll ask this philosophical question: Should misinformation also be called information? Or is it only information if true? 

Seems to me there’s more misinformation than truth. If so and if you’re correct then we stand to inherit tons of bullshit and there is then a very good chance that you’ve received your fair share of it. No offence but everything you say has a good chance of being wrong, no different than anyone else, myself included.
zhangjinyuan Offline
(Jul 16, 2020 01:11 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Your posts are incredibly long. You’d make a great politician.

Since you like to theorize about information I’ll ask this philosophical question: Should misinformation also be called information? Or is it only information if true? 

Seems to me there’s more misinformation than truth. If so and if you’re correct then we stand to inherit tons of bullshit and there is then a very good chance that you’ve received your fair share of it. No offence but everything you say has a good chance of being wrong, no different than anyone else, myself included.
No, this is just my guess. The current technology development is slow, we can only use our imagination as much as possible
There is no right or wrong information, all information
I was thinking, even if the same particles, macroscopically speaking, they are the same, but 1 has experienced a lot of movement, and few particles, are they the same? After all, these experiences are a kind of [information], but it seems that this information is of little use to the particles themselves, and it may be helpful for us humans to understand these pasts.
Thank you for your reply, sometimes I feel that this world is born inexplicably, strange world

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