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Ostronomos Offline
Obsession is superficial. It is of flesh. Sexuality.

It almost feels like a brief glimpse of love when the obsessee confronts the obsesser in a manner more positive than expected. Obsessers put the obsessee on a pedastal because they have a misfit temperament that they childishly think, "love me or fear me" and this gets them the results. And when the obsessee appears not to have fear, the "obsesser" (I am using quotes around it to acknowledge the obsesser's positively converted state of feeling) gets a superficial glimpse at what they believe is care.

The question they should ask is;
Is this an unintended side effect of high intelligence coupled with a precise vocabulary, or are you being serious?
Ostronomos Offline
In regards the repercussions of sexual repression one has to consider childhood and bullying as fundamental factors to the adult displays and attraction to power.
confused2 Offline
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

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