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Quote of the day

Magical Realist Offline
“I had come alive here...this was my home, and though one day it would all trickle through my fingers like so much red dust, for as long as childhood lasted it was a heaven fitted exactly to me. A place I knew by heart. The one place in the world I'd been made for.”
― Paula McLain, Circling the Sun
Magical Realist Offline
“Outside the open window
The morning air is all awash with angels.”
― Richard Wilbur
Magical Realist Offline
“Step off assuredly into the blank of your own mind. Something will come to you. Although at first You nod through nothing like a fogbound prow, Gravel will breed in the margins of your gaze”
― Richard Wilbur
Secular Sanity Offline
"Accidentally saw things as they are."—Melissa Broder
Magical Realist Offline
“The first flash of color always excites me as much as the first frail, courageous bloom of spring. This is, in a sense, my season--sometimes warm and, when the wind blows an alert, sometimes cold. But there is a clarity about September. On clear days, the sun seems brighter, the sky more blue, the white clouds take on marvelous shapes; the moon is a wonderful apparition, rising gold, cooling to silver; and the stars are so big. The September storms--the hurricane warnings far away, the sudden gales, the downpour of rain that we have so badly needed here for so long--are exhilarating, and there's a promise that what September starts, October will carry on, catching the torch flung into her hand.”
― Faith Baldwin, Evening Star
Magical Realist Offline
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

[Image: Torres-del-Paine-RW.jpg]
[Image: Torres-del-Paine-RW.jpg]

“For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Magical Realist Offline
"Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness."
~ Eckhart Tolle
Magical Realist Offline
“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”
― Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

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