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Carnage viewed from Spiegel: 'Fear & loathing in UK; deliberate self-mutilation'

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The Brexit Shock: If We Don't Love Europe, We Will Lose It

EXCERPT: The EU must become more democratic, transparent and less bureaucratic -- that much is obvious. The Brits have voted to leave the EU. It was a democratic decision and we have no choice but to come to terms with the loss. But it's lso time for a reckoning: If we don't become more passionate about the European Union, we will lose it....

Fear and Loathing in Britain: Brexit Is an Act of Deliberate Self-Mutilation

EXCERPT: Britain's vote to leave the EU was a gut decision, an emblem of a country in retreat. The island nation is getting smaller and smaller....

Zero Hour: Europe in Shock over Brexit

EXCERPT: Remain supporters as referendum results were announced. The unbelievable has happened: The British have voted to leave the EU, with Brexiteers scoring a narrow victory. The only certainty at the moment is that Europe and Britain now face great uncertainty....

From Prospect Magazine, Salon, and the liberatarian Reason.Com:

Big question: What does the “Leave” result mean for Britain?

EXCERPT: Yesterday, Britain voted to leave the European Union by 52 per cent to 48. The result—which was a huge shock to campaigners and pollsters—became clear in the early hours of this morning. David Cameron, who fiercely campaigned for a “Remain” vote, announced his resignation earlier today. He said: “I think we should have a new Prime Minister in place by the start of the Conservative conference in October.”

The vote—decided upon by a huge turnout of 33.6 million voters—has shaken Britain. Along with Cameron’s resignation, a no-confidence motion has been submitted against Jeremy Corbyn, and Nicola Sturgeon has said that a second Scottish independence vote is “highly likely.” The pound has hit a 30 year low.

Just what is behind this momentous result—and what happens now? Have the catastrophic effects of Brexit been exaggerated—or are we in real trouble? Below, a panel of contributors offer their thoughts....

Great Britain in turmoil after stunning Brexit from EU

EXCERPT: The Brexit's official, dividing the nation and plunging markets; Uncertainty and confusion over Britain's future...

Britain’s Exit from the European Union Might Leave both the UK and the EU Better Off

EXCERPT: If you want to understand why markets are crashing in the aftermath of yesterday's Brexit vote, take a quick glance at Dechert's guide to the legal and financial implications of the vote.

Although the referendum is non-binding, most observers now expect that the United Kingdom will move to separate itself from the European Union (EU). But exactly how that process will work, and what the end result will be, as well as when the separation will be final, is entirely unclear.

Dechert's guide offers a hint as to just how many knots there are to untangle: It covers everything from trade deals and financial regulations to intellectual property law data retention requirements. And a lot of the challenges of unwinding won't be discrete, since much of this stuff is bound together in various ways, and likely to continue that way for a while: Spain, for example, is calling for "joint sovereignty" with Britain over Gibraltar, which sounds…complicated.

The potential complexity of it all is incredibly intimidating. No one really knows how it will play out. So what you're seeing right now is panic induced by uncertainty, like kids becoming hysterical when they find out their parents are getting divorced. It's a big shock to the system.

But while uncertainty can be a prelude to catastrophe, and prolonged uncertainty can itself result in serious trouble, it's not necessarily a sign that everything is in the process of falling apart....

Trump in Scotland: Would Put UK at ‘Front of Line’ for Trade Deal, Support Scottish Independence

EXCERPT: Donald Trump appeared in Scotland a day after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, for the re-opening of the golf resort. Most of his initial comments, fifteen minutes worth, were about his properties, but the presumptive Republican presidential nominee then took questions from the press, which were mostly about the Brexit vote. "I felt that that was going to happen," Trump said of the success of the Leave campaign, but noted that he told people "not to listen to him." He said he saw "parallels" between the Leave vote in the United Kingdom and his popularity in the U.S., saying the British wanted to "take their country back," just like Americans. "It's an amazing process to watch," he said of the referendum. He said it wasn't clear how Brexit would turn out for the U.K., but that he believed in the long-term it will be a benefit even if there's some short-term pain....

David Cameron Stepping Down as British Prime Minister

EXCERPT: Speaking the morning after the United Kingdom's historic referendum in favor of leaving the European Union, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced he would be stepping down from office to allow a pro-Brexit Conservative to lead the government as it departs the European Union. He said he would "steady the ship" but that by October there should be a new "captain."...

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