Heeeere's Geoffy!

GeoffP Offline
Hi. Seems like a nice forum.

Now I must destroy it.

And no, not really, obviously.
C C Offline
Alright, another familiar shaker / mover has made it over here. Welcome aboard, Geoff!
Yazata Offline
(Nov 4, 2014 04:07 PM)GeoffP Wrote: Hi.

Glad to see you over here, Geoff. Welcome.

Quote:Seems like a nice forum.

Oh yes. Very nice.

Quote:Now I must destroy it.

The barbarian is at the gates!

Oh well, somebody's got to do it.
cluelusshusbund Offline
(Nov 4, 2014 04:07 PM)GeoffP Wrote: Hi. Seems like a nice forum.

Welcome Geoffp.!!!

Looks can be decevin... ie... this place gets a bit roudy at times but deep down we all love each other... so post away an have fun Smile
Magical Realist Offline
(Nov 4, 2014 05:37 PM)cluelusshusbund Wrote:
(Nov 4, 2014 04:07 PM)GeoffP Wrote: Hi. Seems like a nice forum.

Welcome Geoffp.!!!

Looks can be decevin... ie... this place gets a bit roudy at times but deep down we all love each other... so post away an have fun Smile

Hot dang! Soon we'll have all the good posters over here from Sci Forums. Speaking of, I can't find Sci Forums this morning. Does it even exist anymore? Hackers?

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