Apple CEO Tim Cook comes out

Yazata Offline
Tim Cook is Steve Jobs' successor as Apple CEO. He says that he isn't any kind of activist, and he isn't.

But his telling a reporter that he's "proud to be gay" makes him the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Not just any Fortune 500 company either, but arguably the world's hippest company.

I think that's pretty cool.

C C Offline
Good thing for Cook that he followed his gut in 1998 rather than reason. Hopefully it continues to work out for Apple, too, despite the radical change in Jobs' former people philosophy.

Tim Cook: "Any purely rational consideration of cost and benefits lined up in Compaq's favor, and the people who knew me best advised me to stay at Compaq... On that day in early 1998 I listened to my intuition, not the left side of my brain or for that matter even the people who knew me best... no more than five minutes into my initial interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind and join Apple. My intuition already knew that joining Apple was a once in a lifetime opportunity to work for the creative genius, and to be on the executive team that could resurrect a great American company." --Tim Cook Commencement Speech

“'For the past year Cook has been weeding out people with disagreeable personalities—people Jobs tolerated and even held close, like [Scott] Forstall,' Ladik says. 'But Cook wants a culture of harmony.' All of the people Cook has hired and promoted up the food chain are agreeable team players, he adds. 'Not a sour Apple in the bunch.'" --This Is Tim Cook's Apple: A Company Where Mini-Steve Gets The Axe

"Apple's decision to fire Scott Forstall may have been a mistake, according to Michael Lopp, a director at Palantir, and formerly a senior engineer at Apple. Forstall 'was the best approximation of Steve Jobs that Apple had left,' says Lopp. 'In my years at Apple, the Caffe Macs chatter about Forstall was that he was the only legit successor to Jobs.' Caffe Macs is the Apple cafeteria.

Why was Forstall seen as the next Steve Jobs? Because he was a jerk, but he was always successful, and no one could figure out how he did it. While Forstall was disliked by his fellow executives, Lopp thought that was a good thing. He believes that Apple's ability to innovate came from tension and disagreement." --Why Firing Scott Forstall Was A Mistake
Magical Realist Offline
(Nov 1, 2014 01:40 AM)Yazata Wrote: Tim Cook is Steve Jobs' successor as Apple CEO. He says that he isn't any kind of activist, and he isn't.
But his telling a reporter that he's "proud to be gay" makes him the first openly gay CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Not just any Fortune 500 company either, but arguably the world's hippest company.
I think that's pretty cool.
This is a huge step in a nation where you can still be fired in 23 states just for being gay. Ofcourse being a CEO who's gonna fire YOU? But it highlights this whole issue of having to be in the closet at the workplace due to homophobia. I was so used to having to be closeted in the military that it was a natural transition for me to continue that secrecy with an electronics company I later got on with here in Portland. But even there there were the insinuations, the whisperings behind my back, even though I never discussed it. There's a whole corporate mentality that opposes gay people just as it opposes women--a glass ceiling that limits who gets promoted and who gets embraced into the managerial buddy club. Cook is making history by actively standing up against that sort of unspoken yet widespread bigotry.

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