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Article  The weaponization of "scientific consensus"

C C Offline

EXCERPT: . . . The notion of consensus-as-truth has been operationalized in various forms: journalistic “fact checkers,” academic “misinformation” researchers, and content moderation on social media platforms. The practical effect is the creation of self-appointed arbiters of truth — journalists, academics, social media platforms, and even governments — who render judgments on acceptable and unacceptable speech according to conformance with an acceptable view.

There are many problems with the notion of consensus-as-truth and the (self)appointment of misinformation police to regulate discourse, whether of the public or, as in the case of the California law, of experts themselves.

A scientific consensus is not a single view, but a distribution of views. Almost 20 years ago I participated in an exchange in Science with Naomi Oreskes on this point. Professor Oreskes shot to fame by publishing a commentary that argued that the consensus on climate change was universal, based on a review of 928 papers. Oreskes argument quickly moved from characterizing science to a call for political action, based on the asserted universal consensus.

I responded by arguing that a consensus is not a single thing, but a distribution, and policy should be robust to that distribution... (MORE - details)
confused2 Offline
Pielke is clearly not the honest broker he claims to be. Taking the reader with him he neatly segues from climate change where the evidence is freely available to a possible leak of Covid-19 from Wuhan where any evidence of a leak will have been deliberately destroyed and any surviving witnesses from the time are more likely to be motivated by a desire to avoid the attentions of a brutal regime than any particular desire tell the truth.
Is the evidence for and against anthropic global warming biased by a desire to avoid life in a hard labour camp? I really don't think so. In fairness Pielke is probably very successful as an influencer in the shitferbrains community - in fairness that doesn't make him right - or indeed wrong - it is what it is.

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