What Does Israel do with Hamas…..

Zinjanthropos Offline
…..once this is over? Should POW’s and defeated soldiers including those allied with Hamas be forced to rebuild Gaza as a form of reparation? Repair damage in Israel? Happened to the Germans after WWII.


Would doing so contravene the Geneva Convention? Will Israel allow a rebuild?

For this thread I actually wanted to ask about this but had trouble finding an answer….Were people living in allied countries during WWII allowed to protest against the treatment of Nazi armies?
C C Offline
Being such a small country, they probably wouldn't want to expend the guards necessary to monitor them for labor projects. Execution sounds like the potential plan, given that they probably don't want to spend money housing and feeding thousands for decades, either.
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Quote:What Does Israel do with Hamas…..

(Nov 12) Israel Prison Service vows 'no going back' with Hamas terrorists

EXCERPT: "There's no going back," clarifies Perry. "I am engaging in discussions with security officials, and the stance we are taking at the IPS is to hold security prisoners entirely differently from the past."

Perry also addressed the living conditions of the Nukhba force terrorists held in Israel, saying, "They are held 4-8 in a cell, locked there all day. They are defined as the most dangerous detainees in the IPS system. We have processed dozens of Nukhba terrorists. At this stage, they are isolated and receive only basic conditions."

(Nov 20, 2023 02:15 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: …..once this is over? Should POW’s and defeated soldiers including those allied with Hamas be forced to rebuild Gaza as a form of reparation? Repair damage in Israel? Happened to the Germans after WWII.

(Nov 19) Israel's interior minister backs death penalty for terrorists

EXCERPTS: National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir announced on Saturday evening in an X post that his Otzma Yehudit Party will introduce a bill to the Knesset this week mandating the death penalty for terrorists.

[...] Ben-Gvir last week visited one of the correctional facilities housing the Nukhba terrorists captured on Oct. 7, accompanied by Israel Prison Service Commissioner Katy Perry.

According to a report in Ynet, the Nukhba prisoners are kept in a separate wing and forced to listen to Israel’s national anthem “Hatikva” 24 hours a day.

“The murderers of the Nukhba should not see a single drop of sun. I saw the minimal conditions in which they are kept, this is how it should be done for those who massacred women, children and the elderly,” Ben-Gvir was quoted as saying after his visit.

Since the beginning of the war on Oct. 7, 2,600 security prisoners have been incarcerated in Israel.

Quote:[...] For this thread I actually wanted to ask about this but had trouble finding an answer….Were people living in allied countries during WWII allowed to protest against the treatment of Nazi armies?

Resisting the Nazis in numerous ways: nonviolence in occupied Europe

EXCERPT: The methods used in the various campaigns were very diverse such as marches, wearing symbols of resistance, private and public letters of protest, refusing to be conscripted for work, resigning from professional bodies taken over by the Nazis, hiding Jews, helping Jews escape, listening to BBC radio broadcasts, producing underground newspapers, collecting funds for resistance, deliberate slow working and many more.
Syne Offline
(Nov 20, 2023 02:15 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Were people living in allied countries during WWII allowed to protest against the treatment of Nazi armies?

Back then, more people recognized evil when they saw it and knew there was no rehabilitation.
Allowed? Yes. Did? No. Western societies had more of a common frame of morality.
Yazata Offline
I don't think that Israel has any hope of eliminating pro-Hamas sympathies among the population of Gaza. And separating fighters from civilians will be hard, since fighters can blend back in with the civilians easily enough.

So my guess is that the Israeli objective is to destroy Hamas as an effective military force. That will require the Israeli military moving through Gaza building by building, searching for arms caches, tunnel entrances and rocket workshops. Certainly if Hamas fires on the Israelis while they are doing that, the Israelis will be happy to return fire and call in artillery and airstrikes. I expect any building from which fire comes will be flattened.

The hoped-for result will be the elimination of Hamas' ability to execute Oct 7 style raids into Israel and their ability to fire hundreds of rockets into Israel. They will probably continue in Gaza as a shadow organization with whatever small arms they are able to hide from the Israeli searches.

And I expect Israel to take over responsibility for security in Gaza. Israeli military patrols will continue to enter whenever they feel like it and conduct whatever searches they please. If they encounter any Hamas resistance, they will eliminate it. I expect the Israelis to carefully search all civilian traffic in and out of Gaza to prevent Iran from again smuggling in arms. Civilians will probably be permitted to fly in and out of the Gaza airport (now closed) since their baggage and the planes are relatively easily searched. Trucks, buses, automobile and foot traffic might be allowed across the Egypt border, again with searches. So the Gazans can no longer call Gaza the world's largest prison, since they would be free to travel to and from any country that will receive them. They just can't bring arms back in with them.

I'm not sure whether Israel will try to dictate a civilian administration for Gaza. Gaza has some attractive Mediterranean coastline and if the people waving Palestinian flags in Western cities were willing to invest real money in Gaza, it could be rebuilt into a rather nice place. It would have to be free of armed gangsters and enforcers though, which isn't something I foresee.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Too bad captured Hamas troops couldn't be adorned with one of Aldo Raine's original Hans Landa etchings carved into their forehead. However such an indelible identifying mark like that would probably raise bloody hell from this side of the Atlantic. Still it might be more humane than having them listen to Israel's national anthem 24/7.
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Nov 20, 2023 02:15 AM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: …..once this is over? Should POW’s and defeated soldiers including those allied with Hamas be forced to rebuild Gaza as a form of reparation? Repair damage in Israel?  Happened to the Germans after WWII.


Would doing so contravene the Geneva Convention?  Will Israel allow a rebuild?

For this thread I actually wanted to ask about this but had trouble finding an answer….Were people living in allied countries during WWII allowed to protest against the treatment of Nazi armies?

i do not see Israel as having any duty to re build Gaza

i dont think it would be wise to release the terrorists
maybe... Israel will demonstrate to the world its modern values by building a new prison for them.

Hamas are Genocidal Terrorists not soldiers.
Quote:Were people living in allied countries during WWII allowed to protest against the treatment of Nazi armies?

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