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The rise of Neo-Geocentrism

C C Offline

EXCERPT: ... As far as we know, consciousness is a property of only one peculiar type of matter that evolved relatively recently here on Earth: brains. But increasingly, scientists and philosophers are propagating ideas that put us—or, more specifically, consciousness—back at the center of things. I call this perspective neo-geocentrism.

Neo-geocentrists are reviving ancient doctrines such as panpsychism, which holds that consciousness pervades all matter; and idealism, which says consciousness is more fundamental than matter. The physics writer George Musser reports on this trend in his upcoming book Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation.

You can also find neo-geocentric ideas in the writings of cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman, philosophers Philip Goff and Bernardo Kastrup and alternative-medicine mogul Deepak Chopra. Here are more specific examples of neo-geocentrism...

COVERED: Information Theories of Consciousness ..... Integrated Information Theory (IIT) ..... Quantum Theories of Consciousness .... QBism .... Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) .... The Simulation Hypothesis .... Buddhism
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But any positive view of the world is still a representation outputted by either biological or cultural systems (including the artificial, technical descriptions of science). The only honest portrayal of how a mind-independent world would exist is that the latter does not manifest as anything at all (absence) -- a negative view. The latter being what ensues after death or the termination of consciousness.

Even many materialists are inconsistent when it comes to the consequences of their own philosophical beliefs. Due to the fact that most people are implicit panpsychists or naive realists -- committed at least in practice to the "
world presenting itself as something and discriminating itself as components" even when there are no observers to generate such representations slash sensations. Albeit not fully recognizing slash apprehending that potential contradiction (if they're also materialists) or refusing to admit it verbally if they do privately grasp that's what they are often doing. (I.e., "the world does not exist as either sense phenomena or as language symbols, but I'm still going to conflictingly project mental characteristics upon it".)

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