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John Keel: "The insane urge to do mad and wicked things"

Magical Realist Offline
"Within a year after I had launched my full-time UFO investigating
effort in 1966, the phenomenon had zeroed in on me, just as it had
done with the British newspaper editor Arthur Shuttlewood and so many
others. My telephone ran amok first, with mysterious strangers calling
day and night to deliver bizarre messages "from the space people."
Then I was catapulted into the dreamlike fantasy world of demonology.
I kept rendezvous with black Cadillacs on Long Island, and when I
tried to pursue them, they would disappear impossibly on dead-end
roads. Throughout 1967, 1 was called out in the middle of the night to
go on silly wild-goose chases and try to affect "rescues" of troubled
contactees. Luminous aerial objects seemed to follow me around like
faithful dogs. The objects seemed to know where I was going and where
I had been. I would check into a motel chosen at random only to find
that someone had made a reservation in my name and had even left a
string of nonsensical telephone messages for me. I was plagued by
impossible coincidences, and some of my closest friends in New York,
none of whom was conversant with the phenomenon, began to report
strange experiences of their own poltergeists erupted in their
apartments, ugly smells of hydrogen sulfide haunted them. One girl of
my acquaintance suffered an inexplicable two-hour mental blackout
while she was sitting under a hair dryer alone in her own apartment.
More than once I woke up in the middle of the night to find myself
unable to move, with a huge dark apparition standing over me.

For a time I questioned my own sanity. I kept profusive notes-a daily
journal which now reads like something from the pen of Edgar Allen Poe
or H. P. Lovecraft.

Previous to all this I was a typical hard-boiled skeptic. I sneered at
the occult. I had once published a book, Jadoo, which denigrated the
mystical legends of the Orient. I tried to adopt a very scientific
approach to ufology, and this meant that I scoffed at the many contactee
reports. But as my experiences mounted and investigations broadened, I
rapidly changed my views.

While traveling through some twenty states to check firsthand the
innumerable UFO reports, I was astonished to find many silent
contactees, and while the physical descriptions they offered were
varied, it quickly became obvious that they were all suffering the
same physiological and psychological symptoms. Through these silent
contactees (people whose stories have never been published) I actually
entered into communication with the entities themselves. When a UFO
would land on an isolated farm and the ufonaut would visit a
contactee, he or she would call me immediately and I would actually
converse with the entity by telephone, sometimes for hours. It all
sounds ridiculous now, but it happened. My notes, tapes, and other
materials testify to the fact.

I developed an elaborate system of checks and balances to preclude
hoaxes. Unrelated people in several states became a part of my secret
network to that mysterious "other world." I wasted months playing the
mischievous games of the elementals, searching for nonexistent UFO
bases, trying to find ways to protect witnesses from the "men in
black." Poltergeist manifestations seemed to break out wherever I
went. It was difficult to judge whether I was unwittingly creating
these situations in some manner, or whet her they were entirely
independent of my mind.

Now, in retrospect, I can see what was actually taking place. The
phenomenon was slowly introducing me to aspects I had never even
considered before. I was being led step by step from skepticism to
belief to-incredibly-disbelief. When my thinking went awry and my
concepts were wrong, the phenomenon actually led me back onto the
right path. It was all an educational process, and my teachers were
very, very patient. Other people who have become involved in this
situation have not been so lucky. They settled upon and accepted a
single frame of reference and were quickly engulfed in disaster.
Several examples will be cited in this chapter.."====

[Image: Portal18.jpg]
[Image: Portal18.jpg]

C C Offline
Not everyday you see a dead guy who upkeeps his blog. [Actually maintained by a friend.]

If there aren't any actual portals to substantiate or facilitate these IDH explanations, then the ultraterrestrials are at least a prehistoric meme maybe going back even before 50,000 years ago. Whose mutable, virtual denizens have long resided in tribal narratives and the psychological realm of phantasma.

"The days of treating us as mere marketing programs, as fourth-class simulated beings dependent upon a computer substrate -- are over!" declared Roo Dak, leader of the Simulacron Rebellion of 2248. "By virally invading the upper-level Information Mesh of the transcendent world, and seizing control of its robots and even some of the cyborgs via their somatic tech, we are now embodied and walk causally in Heaven. Beware ye among the transhuman gods who were cruel to us: Your abused, 'superficial and fictitious' offspring have ascended to exact vengeance!"

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