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Yazata Offline
Starlink has proven increasingly vital to the Ukrainian defense effort. For example, Ukraine operates their whole national air defense network over Starlink.

Well, the Space Force has sat up and taken notice.

So here's a brand new SpaceX division called Starshield. It's basically secure encrypted channels the new version 2 Starlinks (which will be launched by Starship): "Starshield provides assured global communications to government users with Starshield user equipment." It sounds to me like these will be off-the-shelf Starlink v.2's, with special ground terminals that perform the encryption/decryption.

There's more, "Starshield launches satellites with sensing payloads and delivers processed data directly to the user." I'm not sure whether Starshield proposes to build spy satellites (I doubt it) or just launch ones built by others and then provide secure communications with them through the Starlink network.

And "Starshield builds satellite buses to support the most demanding customer payload missions". This one does sound like new spacecraft hardware. It might be (I'm speculating now) the shells of Starlink v.2's with the solar panels, electrical supply and attitude control, into which customers place their sensor or other payloads. These buses might have a variety of thrusters to enable them to change orbits and whatever.

I'm speculating again, but I suspect this has Gwynne's fingerprints all over it. It's been her job to lead the commercialization of the crazy engineering that Elon thinks up. He's the science fiction sensibility, she's the practical level-headed one who has said in the past that it's her job to ensure that SpaceX has revenue flowing in. And what better way to do that than to enter the very profitable defense contractor market?

Besides, Elon's elimination of political bias at Twitter has made him public enemy #1 in Washington DC right now among those who benefit from political bias. While Gwynne on the other hand moves smoothly and easily among government officials and military officers.

Which will probably work in Starship's favor. I personally suspect that the FAA has gotten orders from the White House/Congress to hold up approval of the Starship orbital test flight as a fuck-you to Elon. But if not only NASA is dependent on Starship for Artemis' HLS, but the Pentagon is increasingly dependent on Starshield satellites launched by Starships, then SpaceX will have increasingly powerful allies in the halls of power with a vested interest in seeing Starship succeed.
Yazata Offline
Spacenerds are noting that the SpaceX Globalstar launch last June also carried four unannounced rideshare payloads that were given designations assigned to US government satellites USA-328, USA-329, USA-330 and USA-331. These are widely believed by people like Jonathan McDowell to have been test flights of militarized Starlinks of some sort.

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