Beginner leftist's reading guide

C C Offline
Bogdan Ibragimov: Ideally, a social justice crusade shouldn't have to be grounded in or be intellectually descended from the ideological genome of Marxism, the Jacobins, etc. That lineage, that baggage, is not a necessary attribute of the effort. But unfortunately, this is not how matters usually work out in the real world. Even if we tried to create a movement independent of that developmental history, left activists would gradually constitute its membership or hijack its leadership. At best, one might introduce an alternative designation to avoid conflation with that typical species name "social justice"; and ward away its tribe with symbols of Enlightenment liberalism and conservatist clutter. But be assured the left would disparage the rival's authenticity and uphold their own as the only genuine product. --Tribulations of a Drudge
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EXCERPT: To be a good leftist or real leftist, you don't have to read anything in particular to be a leftist. All you have to do is know about the general principles of leftism and what it means and generally where you fit.

You can learn a lot just by joining local organizations or online groups. Talking to other leftists that maybe have for other things, but their opinions and thoughts -- even just reading notes and summaries related to the book, some of it to talk about.

You don't necessarily have to read them all in full not everybody wants to, I get that, so yes I will be suggesting many books in this video. That is the point of this video. I do not by any means believe that you need to read all of them to be a leftist, you don't.

With all that said, let's move on to part one in this video, which is the FAQ. So I asked on Instagram whether or not you guys wanted to see a leftist reading guide like for beginners, and 91% of you said yes so that's why I'm doing it...

beginner leftist's reading guide
Yazata Offline
Oh God, that's the last thing I want to see!
Syne Offline
(May 30, 2022 05:05 PM)C C Wrote:

EXCERPT: To be a good leftist or real leftist, you don't have to read anything in particular to be a leftist. All you have to do is know about the general principles of leftism and what it means and generally where you fit.

You can learn a lot just by joining local organizations or online groups. Talking to other leftists that maybe have for other things, but their opinions and thoughts -- even just reading notes and summaries related to the book, some of it to talk about.

IOW, you can be lazy, have no real idea how to argue your "general principles" (that cannot be successfully applied in the real world), and just find people that echo and validate your ignorance as anything but.

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