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Goodbye Skymall!

Magical Realist Online
"While browsing through my Twitter feed last Friday morning I learned that SkyMall, that wonderful cornucopia of improbable products available to all consumers cruising at 30 000 feet, had filed for bankrupcy. This was such heart-breaking news for me! How else would I be able to distract myself while pretending to listen to the flight attendant’s safety instructions, I ask thee?

As a Fortean, it’s hard for me not to feel slightly responsible for SkyMall’s demise. Looking at their magazine was like Dr. Caligari’s Cabinet of Wonders in a Sear’s catalogue format. It’s also obvious that the fine people behind this company were deliberately catering for us, the individuals with an interest in the paranormal and other things most folks often turn their nose up, just as they would turn up their nose at any wine exhibited in an NFL shoe holder –bunch of snobs! How else to explain the Roswell alien butler, a silvery-skinned Reticulan who would be ready to quell your thirst for answers about the UFO cover-up with a beverage of your choice?"==

Not to mention the infamous Bigfoot garden statue...

[Image: DB383049_1.tif&wid=1000=&cvt=jpeg]
[Image: DB383049_1.tif&wid=1000=&cvt=jpeg]

C C Offline
For some reason the statue reminded me of "Planet of the Apes" and "Conquest of the POTA". Maybe that's it: Bigfoot is a highly organized cabal of evolving simians with a horde of secret bases and "safe-houses" tucked away in mountains, remote wilderness areas, bottomlands, and boondocks. Gradually implementing a centuries long plan to seize the world away from humans. As such, it's imperative that no bodies of the super-enhanced primate agents are ever found. To the extent that breakneck-pace cleanup crews are immediately dispatched from hidden, local facilities the instant the "life-alert" tracking implant on an individual bigfoot sends a death, injury or "hot pursuit" warning.

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