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Junk Science

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  1. What is a Junk Science


  1. ‘Panicky pandemic publishing’: weak COVID-19 research erodes trust in science (0 Replies)
  2. Widely cited COVID-19-masks paper under scrutiny for inaccurate stat (1 Reply)
  3. 3rd of seniors prescribed harmful drugs + FactChecking Biden science claims on energy (1 Reply)
  4. Organic farming incompatible with conservation + Bem, psi research & fixing science (0 Replies)
  5. Science has been in a “replication crisis” for a decade. Have we learned anything? (1 Reply)
  6. Debunker: Do human pheromones exist? (2 Replies)
  7. France’s top science magazine in turmoil over editorial independence (0 Replies)
  8. Facebook cracks down on QAnon sites (4 Replies)
  9. Black Hole at the Center of Earth Connects DNAs in Higher Dimensional Manifold (1 Reply)
  10. Unconscious-bias training is pseudoscience wasting money, time, & resources (1 Reply)
  11. Microaggressions aren’t innocent blunders – new research links them with racial bias (2 Replies)
  12. Two distinct science cultures with little crossover, one promotes greater equity (0 Replies)
  13. Pandemic spawns 'infodemic' in scientific literature (0 Replies)
  14. Does the COVID-19 cytokine storm really exist? Has it been debunked? (1 Reply)
  15. Musk’s Neuralink is neuroscience theater (skepticism about medical intentions) (0 Replies)
  16. What "real" fake news looks like (not parody sites) (1 Reply)
  17. Bioethics prof suggests adding 'Mind Control' hormones to water supply to fight COVID (1 Reply)
  18. Still not using fewer acronyms + All that's wrong with today's physics + Mercola: 23y (1 Reply)
  19. Woke hoax: The anonymous professor who wasn’t (4 Replies)
  20. The absurd man, the absurd universe, the absurd world (8 Replies)
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