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UFOs seen nearly every day by Navy pilots in 2014-2015

Magical Realist Offline
"The unidentified flying objects look like white Tic Tacs, or spinning tops flying against the wind — and Navy pilots keep reporting their presence over U.S. airspace. In interviews with the New York Times, five more pilots have come forward describing their experiences with UFOs flying off the Eastern seaboard from Virginia to Florida between 2014 and 2015.

One ten-year veteran, Lieutenant Ryan Graves, claimed that he saw UFOs almost daily, and that the objects could reach hypersonic speeds and heights of up to 30,000 feet without any visible engine or plumes of infrared exhaust. Graves, who reported his experience to the Pentagon and Congress, said, “These things would be out there all day,” and that, “with the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”

In late 2014, a pilot of a Super Hornet reported a near-collision with a UFO when an object that looked like a “sphere encasing a cube” zipped between two fighter jets flying roughly 100 feet from each other. Another pilot, Lieutenant Danny Accoin, could identify a flying object’s presence on his radar, missile system, and infrared camera but was not able to actually see it in his helmet camera. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” Accoin said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”

As the Times reports, pilot sightings of UFOs have increased since “their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they thought were false radar tracks.”

What fascinated Lieutenant Graves about his interactions with the objects was their ability to stop rapidly, turn instantly, and immediately accelerate to hypersonic speed — maneuvers that would burden human pilots with unbearable G-forces. “Speed doesn’t kill you,” Graves said. “Stopping does. Or acceleration.”

Because the sightings occurred in airspace designated for fighter-jet training, the pilots concurred that the objects were not classified or commercial drones operating in the area. Still, none of the five — nor the Defense Department — would speculate as to the objects’ extraterrestrial nature. “We’re here to do a job, with excellence, not make up myths,” said Accoin.

The past few years have been something of a quiet golden age for UFO enthusiasts hoping to prove the validity of their interests. First, there was the Pentagon’s 2017 admission of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a short-lived, $22 million scrap of the Defense budget that would investigate reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena.” Then, in November 2018, scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics proposed a long-shot hypothesis about the cigar-shaped object Oumuamua, which passed through the solar system in 2017: It was a “solar sail,” gathering energy from the sun to accelerate through our galaxial neighborhood. (The technology isn’t all that complicated; humans have already developed it.)

And in April, the Navy announced it is “updating and formalizing the process” by which pilots report UFO sightings, as a means to destigmatize the sharing of information and treat the reports with a more data-driven approach. Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told the Washington Post that it was “the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”

At this rate, the president’s Space Force might actually have something to do."----
C C Offline
(May 28, 2019 04:36 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: . . . What fascinated Lieutenant Graves about his interactions with the objects was their ability to stop rapidly, turn instantly, and immediately accelerate to hypersonic speed — maneuvers that would burden human pilots with unbearable G-forces. “Speed doesn’t kill you,” Graves said. “Stopping does. Or acceleration.”

Because the sightings occurred in airspace designated for fighter-jet training, the pilots concurred that the objects were not classified or commercial drones operating in the area. Still, none of the five — nor the Defense Department — would speculate as to the objects’ extraterrestrial nature. “We’re here to do a job, with excellence, not make up myths,” said Accoin.

[...] First, there was the Pentagon’s 2017 admission of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program...

Yep, if not space aliens, then there's that other mundane threat. Got to keep tabs on the unbridled technology that Fu Manchu's hidden enclaves in the Himalayas are cranking out. Obviously the cost of these super-advanced, military drones and the remote controlling mind-link to them is so outrageous that each rogue nation which the evil genius sells to can only afford one. Using them purely to taunt the US and others by merely violating their airspace, as they just don't have the numbers for conquest. A kind of "you better not tread on me" warning from the crowing bantam roosters lugging around their lone Big Clubs.
C C Offline
(May 28, 2019 08:59 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:

Never going to deny UFO existence. 

Why are UFO videos accompanied by spooky music? This one is kind of different, the UFO, not the music.

Wasn't there something like that in Arrival? (Maybe not a view from a plane, though.)
Zinjanthropos Offline
(May 29, 2019 07:08 AM)C C Wrote:
(May 28, 2019 08:59 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote:

Never going to deny UFO existence. 

Why are UFO videos accompanied by spooky music? This one is kind of different, the UFO, not the music.

Wasn't there something like that in Arrival? (Maybe not a view from a plane, though.)

Ya, some kind of oblong pod. Do you find an impromptu video shot from a plane more convincing than anything ground based? Unless you went airborne with a video you previously put together, a video sent while it’s happening might garner some study. So with that in mind and all the hubbub, then why not equip planes with cameras? Then again you can’t discount the ingenuity of the human mind and the ability to hoodwink.
C C Offline
The cynic mindset of "Follow the money"? ... Might look a little better to them if there wasn't a promotion incentive for "Unidentified".

Former US defense official: We know UFOs are real - here's why that's concerning

EXCERPT: After a bombshell report detailing near-daily interactions with unidentified flying objects by Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015, Christopher Mellon has argued that this information is nothing new, and the government needs to do something about it.

Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, is involved with a new History Channel series, 'Unidentified,' which will expand on topics discussed in a recent New York Times article.

"We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue," he said. "The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?"

There are indications, Mellon said, that the objects reported by Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015 were doing things that aren't possible in this physical realm. In numerous interviews, Navy pilots revealed that they saw UFOs moving at hypersonic speeds, performing acts “beyond the physical limits of a human crew,” and emitting "no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes."

The speeds being reported (about 5,000 miles per hour, according to Mellon) were only sustainable for about an hour by an aircraft in the air, and these objects would be flying around all day long, the pilots said. "Pilots observing these craft are absolutely mystified and that comes through clearly in their public statements," Mellon continued.

[...] "One: there have been near mid-air collisions so there is a safety issue. Two, there is a vital national security issue which is that our sovereignty is being violated by vehicles of unknown origin," he continued. Although all of this information is old news to Mellon, it's taken America by storm, and he says we're hardly the only country to have interactions with these objects... (MORE)
C C Offline
In a recreational context, we might entertain these as real anomalies, with the stipulation that they're not a new non-artificial phenomenon a score times weirder than balled-lightning; and setting aside the typical hypothesis of "space-aliens". Thus entering as similarly fantastical options are, of course, either time-travellers or interference from a "next-level" slash prior in rank ontological stratum which makes Nature possible.

(1) Based on Seth Lloyd's so-called time-travel simulations and grounded in his own model rather than Deutsch's[*], visiting technological life-forms from the future (these UFOs could be such themselves rather than "vessels") cannot affect the past unless their contributions are already an expected part of history. Which I'd brazenly extend further to be that nothing could successfully travel to the past if it had the motive and capacity or the unintended capacity to change the timeline. Thus the elusive character and lack of interest in contact from those which are successful.

(2) In terms of a "next-level" explanation, it seems a bit odd that the latter would have to directly interfere in the natural process with avatars or probes to satisfy curiosity and research (extraordinary that anthropo-biological "curiosity and research" would even be applicable "there", period). One exception being that this reality could not be a project of the "visitors" themselves or perhaps any other residents of that provenance (while acknowledging the incredibly biased or reflexive presumption that it would be any kind of "place" sporting discrete inhabitants). Instead the "invaders" merely akin to non-deliberating "wildlife" intruding on and overriding the conventional rules of this either intended project of something else, or this happenstance occurrence of our manner of existence. Maybe even tricksters, but that's attributing too much purpose and thereby potential maliciousness. (Such leisurely and undisciplined rogues would have overtly played with us and gradually done us in a long time ago, if the case.) EDIT: Still in the context of (2), but infringing upon (3) below. The UFO anomalies could be temporary glitches stemming from the "next-level". These sporadic "malfunctions" would circumvent the conventional management of Nature, thus undermining the normal probability of such events occurring (i.e., an outrageous span of time).

(3) EDIT: Another [recreational] option might be that these particular military-detected UFOs randomly fluctuate into being like Boltzmann brains, without any history and place of origin (possibly tempory, "evaporating" eventually). Which flies into the face of how ludicrously long it would take for such to probabilistically happen, although BB's themselves -- in cosmology's concern over them -- seem to controversially dodge such constraint: " many existing theories about the Universe, human brains in the current Universe appear to be vastly outnumbered by Boltzmann brains..."

- - - footnote - - -

[*] One model, put forth in the early 1990s by Oxford physicist David Deutsch, can allow inconsistencies between the past a traveler remembers and the past he experiences. So a person could remember killing his grandfather without ever having done it. “It has some weird features that don’t square with what we thought time travel might work out as,” Lloyd says.

In contrast, Lloyd prefers a model of time travel that explicitly forbids these inconsistencies. This version, posted at, is called a post-selected model. By going back and outlawing any events that would later prove paradoxical in the future, this theory gets rid of the uncomfortable idea that a time traveler could prevent his own existence. “In our version of time travel, paradoxical situations are censored,” Lloyd says.

[...] With Canadian collaborators, Lloyd went on to perform successful laboratory simulations of his model in 2011. [...] Lloyd, though, readily admits ... “I have no idea which model is really right. Probably both of them are wrong...”
Magical Realist Offline
I watched that History channel special last nite called "Unidentified". Very compelling examination of the 2004 U.S.S. Nimitz encounter by 4 jet pilots of the giant tic tac that surfaced from the ocean and zipped off 60 miles away in a matter of a minute. Recounts Tom Delong's journey to Washington to get officials to take these sightings seriously and his assemblage of a team of 5 military and aviation experts to help give the evidence credibility. The series continues next week with the examination of more compelling military sightings.

I just hope this team is prepared for what they find. UFOs are more than just technological marvels. They are otherworldly manifestations of something beyond our present comprehension. Stick with the data and don't jump to conclusions and we may actually learn something from them for a change. It would behoove them to go back in history 70 years and examine all the great sightings that have already occurred. It would help to give them perspective on this phenomenon and help reveal their paradoxical and deceptive nature. Because the more you look into ufos the deeper the rabbit hole becomes. I hope they are ready to go on that strange journey already taken by seasoned ufologists like Jacques Vallee.
C C Offline
(Jun 1, 2019 06:10 PM)Magical Realist Wrote: . . . I just hope this team is prepared for what they find. UFOs are more than just technological marvels. They are otherworldly manifestations of something beyond our present comprehension. Stick with the data and don't jump to conclusions and we may actually learn something from them for a change. It would behoove them to go back in history 70 years and examine all the great sightings that have already occurred. It would help to give them perspective on this phenomenon and help reveal their paradoxical and deceptive nature. Because the more you look into ufos the deeper the rabbit hole becomes. I hope they are ready to go on that strange journey already taken by seasoned ufologists like Jacques Vallee.

Allowing that the thought orientation of the mainstream expert sphere was to shift from negative to positive with regard to certain UFOs being truly extraordinary...

Then some of the older accounts (if they were non-delusional and "real" or non-fabricated stories) -- where the witness ventures near or into a spacecraft and even observes ETs -- would make it extremely difficult for a segment of the masses (as well as part of the governing establishment) to not conclude they were such on the basis of direct appearances. As their interpretative abilities just aren't storage-prone to handling multiple options as well as being inclusive of and receptive to exploring other possibilities to begin with. (There would be various causes per each person, organization, or department for their inferential limitation, with one of course being caught-up in the momentum of an existing popular passion and preference which they're just not going to even partially sacrifice allegiance to, anymore than they would a lifetime-held religion.)

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