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Stating the Obvious

Zinjanthropos Offline
Accidentally stumbled upon a Wiki article about the human head. Now I like science but when someone states the obvious to open an article I tend to roll my eyes and ask the big question....WTF? 

Here's the first paragraph from Wiki: 
Quote:In human anatomy, the head is the upper portion of the human body. It supports the face and is maintained by the skull, which itself encloses the brain.

Well thanks for that revelation. Honestly, I can't read anymore after I see something like that. However it's good for a laugh, you know that inner chuckle one experiences when confronted with an 'you've got to be kidding me' moment. 

It reminded me of a time in high school when one of my classmates gave his report on birds. Paraphrasing it started like this: A bird has two wings, two legs, two feet and one head. There was no inner chuckle then because the whole class in unison just roared. Poor guy, I kind of felt sorry for him, even to this day.

I wonder if researchers either get so immersed in what they're doing that they miss the fact that their discovery is old news or if they really do any real research and have someone else write their reports without proofreading....I don't know.
C C Offline
Taking into account those who discover it ages after humans have gone extinct, recorded information must be thorough for the sake of extraterrestrial archaeologists and exotically embodied artilects who lack heads. Wink

1. (Anatomy) the upper or front part of the body in vertebrates, including man, that contains and protects the brain, eyes, mouth, and nose and ears when present.
2. (Anatomy) the corresponding part of an invertebrate animal
3. something resembling a head in form or function, such as the top of a tool
4. (Sociology)
a. the person commanding most authority within a group, organization, etc
b. (as modifier): head buyer.
c. (in combination): headmaster.
5. the position of leadership or command: at the head of his class.
a. the most forward part of a thing; a part that juts out; front: the head of a queue.
b. (as modifier): head point.
7. the highest part of a thing; upper end: the head of the pass.
8. (Brewing) the froth on the top of a glass of beer
9. aptitude, intelligence, and emotions (esp in the phrases above or over one's head, have a head for, keep one's head, lose one's head, etc): she has a good head for figures; a wise old head.
10. a person or animal considered as a unit: the show was two pounds per head; six hundred head of cattle.
11. the head considered as a measure of length or height: he's a head taller than his mother.
12. (Botany) botany
a. a dense inflorescence such as that of the daisy and other composite plants
b. any other compact terminal part of a plant, such as the leaves of a cabbage or lettuce
13. a culmination or crisis (esp in the phrase bring or come to a head)
14. (Pathology) the pus-filled tip or central part of a pimple, boil, etc
15. the head considered as the part of the body on which hair grows densely: a fine head of hair.
16. (Physical Geography) the source or origin of a river or stream
17. (Physical Geography) (capital when part of name) a headland or promontory, esp a high one
18. (Currencies) the obverse of a coin, usually bearing a portrait of the head or a full figure of a monarch, deity, etc. Compare tail1
19. a main point or division of an argument, discourse, etc
20. (Journalism & Publishing) (often plural) the headline at the top of a newspaper article or the heading of a section within an article
21. (Nautical Terms) nautical
a. the front part of a ship or boat
b. (in sailing ships) the upper corner or edge of a sail
c. the top of any spar or derrick
d. any vertical timber cut to shape
e. (often plural) a slang word for lavatory
22. (Grammar) grammar another word for governor7
23. (Instruments) the taut membrane of a drum, tambourine, etc
24. (General Physics)
a. the height of the surface of liquid above a specific point, esp when considered or used as a measure of the pressure at that point: a head of four feet.
b. pressure of water, caused by height or velocity, measured in terms of a vertical column of water
c. any pressure: a head of steam in the boiler.
25. (Pharmacology) slang
a. a person who regularly takes drugs, esp LSD or cannabis
b. (in combination): an acidhead; a pothead.
26. (Mining & Quarrying) mining a road driven into the coal face
a. the terminal point of a route
b. (in combination): railhead.
28. (General Engineering) a device on a turning or boring machine, such as a lathe, that is equipped with one or more cutting tools held to the work by this device
29. (Automotive Engineering) See cylinder head
30. (Electronics) an electromagnet that can read, write, or erase information on a magnetic medium such as a magnetic tape, disk, or drum, used in computers, tape recorders, etc
31. (Education) informal short for headmaster, headmistress, head teacher
32. (Horse Racing)
a. the head of a horse considered as a narrow margin in the outcome of a race (in the phrase win by a head)
b. any narrow margin of victory (in the phrase (win) by a head)
33. (Pathology) informal short for headache
34. (Curling) curling the stones lying in the house after all 16 have been played
35. (Bowls & Bowling) bowls the jack and the bowls that have been played considered together as a target area
36. (Rugby) against the head rugby from the opposing side's put-in to the scrum
37. bite someone's head off snap someone's head off to speak sharply and angrily to someone
38. bring to a head come to a head
a. to bring or be brought to a crisis: matters came to a head.
b. (of a boil) to cause to be or be about to burst
39. get it into one's head to come to believe (an idea, esp a whimsical one): he got it into his head that the earth was flat.
40. give head slang to perform fellatio
41. give someone his head to allow a person greater freedom or responsibility
42. (Horse Racing) give a horse its head to allow a horse to gallop by lengthening the reins
43. go to one's head
a. to make one dizzy or confused, as might an alcoholic drink
b. to make one conceited: his success has gone to his head.
44. head and shoulders above greatly superior to
45. head over heels
a. turning a complete somersault
b. completely; utterly (esp in the phrase head over heels in love)
46. hold up one's head to be unashamed
47. keep one's head to remain calm
48. keep one's head above water to manage to survive a difficult experience
49. make head to make progress
50. make head or tail of (used with a negative) to attempt to understand (a problem, etc): he couldn't make head or tail of the case.
51. off one's head out of one's head slang insane or delirious
52. off the top of one's head without previous thought; impromptu
53. on one's head on one's own head at one's (own) risk or responsibility
54. one's head off slang loudly or excessively: the baby cried its head off.
55. over someone's head
a. without a person in the obvious position being considered, esp for promotion: the graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors.
b. without consulting a person in the obvious position but referring to a higher authority: in making his complaint he went straight to the director, over the head of his immediate boss.
c. beyond a person's comprehension
56. put their heads together informal to consult together
57. take it into one's head to conceive a notion, desire, or wish (to do something)
58. turn heads to be so beautiful, unusual, or impressive as to attract a lot of attention
59. turn something on its head stand something on its head to treat or present something in a completely new and different way: health care which has turned orthodox medicine on its head.
60. turn someone's head to make someone vain, conceited, etc
61. (tr) to be at the front or top of: to head the field.
62. (often foll by: up) to be in the commanding or most important position
63. (often foll by for) to go or cause to go (towards): where are you heading?.
64. (Nautical Terms) to turn or steer (a vessel) as specified: to head into the wind.
65. (Soccer) soccer to propel (the ball) by striking it with the head
66. (tr) to provide with or be a head or heading: to head a letter; the quotation which heads chapter 6.
67. (Botany) (tr) to cut the top branches or shoots off (a tree or plant)
68. (intr) to form a head, as a boil or plant
69. (Physical Geography) (often foll by: in) (of streams, rivers, etc) to originate or rise in
70. (Games, other than specified) head them Austral to toss the coins in a game of two-up

[Old English hēafod; related to Old Norse haufuth, Old Frisian hāved, Old Saxon hōbid, Old High German houbit]
Zinjanthropos Offline
Nice work CC. Love your sense of humor or is it well disguised sarcasm? Cool  HEHEHEH.....I don't know and I don't care but I welcome and appreciate it. 

You're way ahead(no pun intended) of your time, WIKI for headless anthropologists/archaeologists/ET's/AI's won't be necessary for some time to come.
Syne Offline
I think you missed the verb. Wink
RainbowUnicorn Offline
(Mar 30, 2017 02:31 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Accidentally stumbled upon a Wiki article about the human head. Now I like science but when someone states the obvious to open an article I tend to roll my eyes and ask the big question....WTF? 

Here's the first paragraph from Wiki: 
Quote:In human anatomy, the head is the upper portion of the human body. It supports the face and is maintained by the skull, which itself encloses the brain.

Well thanks for that revelation. Honestly, I can't read anymore after I see something like that. However it's good for a laugh, you know that inner chuckle one experiences when confronted with an 'you've got to be kidding me' moment. 

It reminded me of a time in high school when one of my classmates gave his report on birds. Paraphrasing it started like this: A bird has two wings, two legs, two feet and one head. There was no inner chuckle then because the whole class in unison just roared. Poor guy, I kind of felt sorry for him, even to this day.

I wonder if researchers either get so immersed in what they're doing that they miss the fact that their discovery is old news or if they really do any real research and have someone else write their reports without proofreading....I don't know.

Quote:In human anatomy, the head is the upper portion of the human body. It supports the face and is maintained by the skull, which itself encloses the brain.
reads like creationism.

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