EXCERPTS: It is this model, the Lambda cold dark matter model, that requires dark energy to accelerate the expansion of the universe. [...] But strictly speaking, we already know that this model is, of course, wrong. Galaxies and galaxy clusters are not uniformly distributed. Instead ... It has patches with many galaxies in them—such as the one that we find ourselves in—but then there are big voids in between.
This is what the authors of the new paper looked at, a universe that is a patchwork of matter-filled regions like our own and voids. And all these regions interact, pushing and pulling on each other. Now not only do we have an expanding sponge that’s some dozens billion light-years wide, we have a sponge that doesn’t expand at the same rate everywhere.
[...] While I am sympathetic to the idea .. and think it has a lot of potential, I also think it is too early to declare the end of dark energy. Analyses like the one in the new paper, depend a lot on their assumptions (priors) and the data used, and I would not be surprised if another group soon claims that Lambda cold dark matter is superior after all. Questions like this one take time to settle.
[...] As they say, all models are wrong, but some are useful, and whatever your misgivings about dark energy, it certainly has proved to be useful for explaining many observations, such as the features of the cosmic microwave background and the growth of galactic structures. It will take a lot more than one paper to convince astrophysicists that dark energy should be declared dead... (MORE - details)
EXCERPTS: It is this model, the Lambda cold dark matter model, that requires dark energy to accelerate the expansion of the universe. [...] But strictly speaking, we already know that this model is, of course, wrong. Galaxies and galaxy clusters are not uniformly distributed. Instead ... It has patches with many galaxies in them—such as the one that we find ourselves in—but then there are big voids in between.
This is what the authors of the new paper looked at, a universe that is a patchwork of matter-filled regions like our own and voids. And all these regions interact, pushing and pulling on each other. Now not only do we have an expanding sponge that’s some dozens billion light-years wide, we have a sponge that doesn’t expand at the same rate everywhere.
[...] While I am sympathetic to the idea .. and think it has a lot of potential, I also think it is too early to declare the end of dark energy. Analyses like the one in the new paper, depend a lot on their assumptions (priors) and the data used, and I would not be surprised if another group soon claims that Lambda cold dark matter is superior after all. Questions like this one take time to settle.
[...] As they say, all models are wrong, but some are useful, and whatever your misgivings about dark energy, it certainly has proved to be useful for explaining many observations, such as the features of the cosmic microwave background and the growth of galactic structures. It will take a lot more than one paper to convince astrophysicists that dark energy should be declared dead... (MORE - details)