PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT: Situation in Europe October: Part 2
VIDEO EXCERPTS: . . . A second change which is coming with 2025. There will be alcohol testers built into the car. You can only turn on the car if you blow into the alcohol tester. If you have drunken alcohol, then the car does not start. These are the changes that we are going through here in Europe right now.
Next I want to show you this article here, which is Coca-Cola closing five factories in Germany. So apparently people are struggling so much with money that they don't even have a bit of spare coins for purchasing Coca-Cola. Which is really a luxury product, if you think about it.
So you don't need this. If people don't have money because of the inflation, because of rising electricity and natural gas prices, because of rising tax prices -- rising CO2 tax and rising welfare tax, raising community taxes -- then of course they don't have the money anymore to purchase a bottle of Coca-Cola...
Situation in Europe: November
VIDEO EXCERPTS: . . . A second change which is coming with 2025. There will be alcohol testers built into the car. You can only turn on the car if you blow into the alcohol tester. If you have drunken alcohol, then the car does not start. These are the changes that we are going through here in Europe right now.
Next I want to show you this article here, which is Coca-Cola closing five factories in Germany. So apparently people are struggling so much with money that they don't even have a bit of spare coins for purchasing Coca-Cola. Which is really a luxury product, if you think about it.
So you don't need this. If people don't have money because of the inflation, because of rising electricity and natural gas prices, because of rising tax prices -- rising CO2 tax and rising welfare tax, raising community taxes -- then of course they don't have the money anymore to purchase a bottle of Coca-Cola...
Situation in Europe: November