Scientist say human consciousness comes from another dimension

Ostronomos Offline
One leading theory suggests that consciousness is related to how much information is integrated between the different parts of the brain. The more information is connected and integrated, the more conscious a being is thought to be.

Another posits that conscious mental states are driven by top-down signaling in the brain. Top-down signaling refers to the process by which higher-level brain regions send information, expectations or context to lower-level brain regions. 

But Pravica's theory ventures outside the realm of neuroscience and into theoretical physics.

He suggested that in moments of heightened awareness, like when we enter a dream state or use our brains for deeply creative or intellectual tasks, our consciousness could transcend our physical dimension and enter a higher plane.

Scientist says human consciousness comes from another dimension (

This should reach all audiences on every level.
Magical Realist Offline
That our minds can occasionally link up with a higher dimensional perspective may explain why moments of synchronistic coincidence as well as psychic impressions and precog dreams happen but only every now and then. Some people may even be more connected hyperdimensionally than others. But as far as Jesus ascending into the 5th dimension, I'm not really sure about that.

"As an Orthodox Christian with a Ph.D. from Harvard, Pravica has found hyperdimensionality to be a way to bridge his scientific background with his religious beliefs.

For example, he believes Jesus may be a hyperdimensional being.

'According to the Bible, Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after being on Earth. How do you ascend into heaven if you're a four-dimensional creature?' Pravica asked.

But being hyperdimensional could, theoretically, have allowed Jesus to move between our world and heaven - which may be a world of higher or infinite dimensions, he said.

Pravica's theory is based on a 'God of the gaps' perspective, where gaps in scientific knowledge are explained by divine intervention, said Stephen Holler, associate professor of physics at Fordham University."

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