Retina Detachment

Zinjanthropos Offline
Two days ago my wife came out of the shower saying she was seeing spider webs in her right eye. At that time I remembered someone saying that could be a sign of retinal attachment and it was important to deal with it immediately. I took her to nearby hospital who sent her to an ophthalmologist who after a barrage of tests told her to get to a hospital in Toronto 150 kms from us for treatment right away.

Long story short, she has a detached retina. They used gas bubble to put it into place along with some laser work. Painless. We were also told to return every day for next 6 days. Fortunately a friend has offered their house to us for that time period, effectively reducing our commute by 100km. (200 km if you count return trip) Yesterday was our first return visit where she underwent more laser treatment. Back again today 3pm EST appointment. It’s a serious detachment and they’re very careful. In fact during the whole experience so far, the health care and staff has been top notch.
geordief Offline
(Jun 16, 2024 01:03 PM)Zinjanthropos Wrote: Two days ago my wife came out of the shower saying she was seeing spider webs in her right eye. At that time I remembered someone saying that could be a sign of retinal attachment and it was important to deal with it immediately. I took her to nearby hospital who sent her to an ophthalmologist who after a barrage of tests told her to get to a hospital in Toronto 150 kms from us for treatment right away.

Long story short, she has a detached retina. They used gas bubble to put it into place along with some laser work. Painless. We were also told to return every day for next 6 days. Fortunately a friend has offered their house to us for that time period, effectively reducing our commute by 100km. (200 km if you count return trip) Yesterday was our first return visit where she underwent more laser treatment. Back again today 3pm EST appointment. It’s a serious detachment and they’re very careful. In fact during the whole experience so far, the health care and staff has been top notch.

I got a Weiss ring about  10 days ago. The optometrist has referred me to an ophthalamolgist as well as she wasn't quite sure what she was seeing.

I have no symptoms that I have read are associated with a detached retina (flashing lights etc) but  I expect I will have to follow it up.

Got my first prescription for glasses as well and am looking forward to trying them out.

I posted about in on another site .

Don't know if you remember exchemist in the thread?(used to post in the old site we were on )
He had a similar experience.

Medical staff are surely top notch the world over (all except my old GP who was done for videoing his female patients under anaesthetic)
Zinjanthropos Offline
(Jun 16, 2024 06:01 PM)geordief Wrote: I got a Weiss ring about  10 days ago. The optometrist has referred me to an ophthalamolgist as well as she wasn't quite sure what she was seeing.

I have no symptoms that I have read are associated with a detached retina (flashing lights etc) but  I expect I will have to follow it up.

Got my first prescription for glasses as well and am looking forward to trying them out.

I posted about in on another site .

Don't know if you remember exchemist in the thread?(used to post in the old site we were on )
He had a similar experience.

Medical staff are surely top notch the world over (all except my old GP who was done for videoing his female patients under anaesthetic)

Today more laser session. Doc says looking good but bed rest and not too much moving around until she goes back in on Tuesday. Laser keeps gas bubble from leaking out, like stitching I suppose.

I do remember Xchem, hope he’s ok. Everyone at hospital today all had it happen without any real physical movement going on.
C C Offline
Hope they succeed in the repair.
Yazata Offline
Hey, Z-man! Best wishes on your wife's recovery.
Zinjanthropos Offline
Thanks to well wishers. It’s both interesting and scary at same time. Just told that she can see me clearly again…lucky girl. We have grandkids(4&6 yrs old) in 25 days so might have her wear goggles and a football helmet at that time.

Amazed how painless the whole experience has been for her. From freezing eyeball, gas injection and laser, not a whimper. They say detachment not common but I’ve seen plenty of folks last 3 days who are dealing with it.

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