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True Joy is dual and monic - Printable Version

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True Joy is dual and monic - Ostronomos - Jan 8, 2017

Quote:Because God is in all things, rejoice!
Rejoice, for he be'th in all things the one and only,
None-else exists in one
I am the one who is mind beyond matter
None else can exist
We can will things as the universe creates itself through us
and there is a non-existent waste basket for that which does not exist called "Hell"
Our minds create our reality and through will the One God in all things 
I am in God and God in me is merged
We are thus one with all things
and thus reality are we 
That one is one and no other 
That flame that illuminates the dark
That God 
That wholesome good and genuine nature or truth
That limitless freedom in reality 
Where the possible and impossible are merged in love
Where the generate and the degenerate are love
You are not alone as we are one in God and God in one.

"Lock yourself up in your room or go out in the woods where you can be alone. When you are alone the universe talks to you in flashes of inspiration. You will find that you will suddenly know things which you never knew before. All knowledge exists in the God-Mind and is extended into this electrical universe of creative expression through desire. Knowledge is yours for the asking. You have but to plug into it. You do not have to learn anything, in fact, all you have to do is recollect it, or recognize it, for you already have it as your inheritance."

In his inspired book, The Divine Iliad he states this principle in the following words:

As the dawn telleth the coming of the new day:

I turn my eyes to the morning and purge myself in the purity of the dawn.

My soul quickeneth with the beauty of the dawn.

Today is, and will be.

Yesterday was, and has been.

My yesterday is what I made it. I will to make it perfect.

I have the power to build the day or to rend the day.

The day will be of my making either perfect or imperfect, good or bad as I choose to live it in spirit or in flesh, on the mountain top or earthbound.

If I rend the day I build ten other days, mayhap ten times ten, to undo the rending.

If I build the day I will have lived the day to the glory of the One in the fulfillment of that part of His purpose which is mine to fulfill.

So that I may meet the day with knowledge to build the day I will look into my soul while it is yet dawn, before the morning breaketh.

These are the words with which I greet the day.

These are the words of the morning.

This is the spirit of the dawn.

To me the universe is an open book.

I need not to learn. I know.

I see the unseen from the mountain top.

I hear the music of the spheres.

I know the transcendent joy of creation.

Immortality is mine.

I will earn immortality.

I will bestow immortality.

Mine is the power to give immortality. I shall not deny that which shall give immortality to those who dwell in darkness and who reach out for the light.

I will reach out my hand into the darkness and lead him that asketh into the light.

I will keep my body charged with energy for the fulfillment of my purpose, in accord with that which is commanded of me.

The power of the dynamic universe is behind my thinking.

Power is mine to give by the wayside.

I will not deny to any man who asketh the power which is mine to give.

I have no limitations. Unlimited power is mine within that which is universal.

I will do today that which is of today and pay no heed to the tomorrow, nor waste regrets on that which was yesterday.

My day shall be filled to overflowing, yet shall I not haste the day; nor shall I waste the day.

Those things which I must do I shall desire to do.

Courtesy will be in my heart to give to all.

My joy will be in serving.

My power will be in thinking true.

My power will be in knowing.

My power will be in humility.

The taint of arrogance will I not know.

That which is I, will keep within the shadow of the beautiful temple of modesty, but my doings will I send forth into the light that all may see; therefore, must my doings be true.

Force will I meet with gentleness; impatience with patience.

Truth will guide my footsteps through tortuous paths and lead me to the glory of the day’s golden evening.

I will sing the day through with a glad song, that the problems of the day shall be as chaff before the wind and that others may harken to my song and be quickened.

My countenance shall reflect the spirit within me, that all may see.

Blessed be the new day which descendeth upon me. I greet thee, O day. I cross thy threshold with joy and thanksgiving.

"Do you think," continued Mr. Russell, "that civilization advances because of things written in books? Not a bit of what is written in books ever got there until after the though of it happened in man’s mind. He first had to collect it from space, or recollect it from its electrical pattern to which he had attuned himself. The book is but a record of what has already happened. It is history only, to bring others up to date by informing them. It is a means of thought transference only, and not a creative process until you have made it so by transformation within you.

"By meditation and communion with God and talking to Him, I mean not just sitting silently, in a prayerful attitude as though separate and apart from God, adopting a faith and belief state of mind, but actually becoming ONE WITH Him, desiring with Him as co-creator of all things, desiring without words, desiring dynamically with knowledge, not with blind faith and belief, but knowledge, that fruition will as surely follow that desire as that fruit will appear on the tree in its orderliness of law’s workings as a result of desire in its seed.

"I believe that every man, no matter how humble, is manifesting God, as His messenger, therefore every man should be worthy of his messengership by manifesting his Source to the very best of his ability, whether he runs the elevator for an industry or as its president.

"I believe that every man can multiply his own ability by almost constant wordless REALIZATION of his unity with his Source. I have, myself, made that feeling so much a part of me that I actually feel myself to be an extension of the Source; that my works are not my own but interpretations of this Source. I believe that such constant realization keeps one so exalted with inspiration that one is thus insulated from the thousands of distractions which lead one away from his own design of life, and thus protects him from petty temptation, from disease, and from those man-harms which constantly come to those who are not thus One with God.

"I believe that such a constant realization enobles one automatically. One’s stature is greater, one’s step more elastic, one’s aura more powerful; and it makes other people see that Light in one’s eyes which attracts people to him who has it.

"I believe that when the Self of man thus walks and talks with God one as gradually ascends to the great heights and desires of his ambitions as the tree ascends from its seed, for each is working WITH the law and conversely the law is working with each.

"I believe that there is but ONE THINKER in the universe; that my thinking is His thinking, and that every man’s thinking is an extension, through God, of every other man’s thinking. I therefore think that the greater the exaltation and ecstasy of my thinking, the greater the standards of all man’s thinking will be. Each man is thus empowered to uplift all men as each drop of water uplifts the entire ocean.

"An exemplification of my meaning may be found in the thinking of great composers, authors and artists who uplift the entirety of civilization to higher standards of culture by the extension of their thinking into the consciousness of other men.

"Civilization as a whole thus emerged from its jungle, and the heights to which it will arise is the responsibility of every man, even the most lowly of men.

RE: True Joy is dual and monic - Syne - Jan 9, 2017

I'm not sure how this forum feels about proselytizing, but this seems to fit the bill.

RE: True Joy is dual and monic - C C - Jan 9, 2017

(Jan 9, 2017 01:18 AM)Syne Wrote: I'm not sure how this forum feels about proselytizing, but this seems to fit the bill.

Perhaps my memory is playing tricks on me, but it seems like the subforum "Alternative Theories" was indirectly created with Spellbound's passions in mind (especially the Christopher Langan material). There was a bit of group discussion or something taking place along that line prior to its appearance, anyway.

In SciForums most of his topics were routinely moved and combined with a single "Reality is..." thread. If either posted to or migrated to Alternative Theories they can at least remain separate and individuated.

RE: True Joy is dual and monic - Zinjanthropos - Jan 9, 2017

Not sure just how many beliefs are contained in the OP, direct or inferred. I estimate the total to be in the thousands, all of them stemming from one. I sincerely hope that not all believers have amassed similar totals. At what point is it too much, overkill? I can accept today is and yesterday was, as a non belief, but in the OP even that appears to be a belief. Actual facts becoming belief-like if that's possible.

WOW!!! If you've ever watched the WOODSTOCK movie you may have heard the performing artist John Sebastian going on about some couple who had a baby during the festival. He said something like...."Whew! That kid's going to be far out". I wonder whatever happened to that kid.