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Poor Boeing Can't Catch a Break - Printable Version

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Poor Boeing Can't Catch a Break - Yazata - Mar 9, 2024

We know about the two fatal Boeing 737 Max crashes that led to the plane being grounded for a while.

We know about the door panel that blew out in midair on another 737.

Well, here's a wheel falling off a Boeing 777 departing San Francisco yesterday. The wheel fell in an airport parking lot and crushed a parked car, but luckily nobody was hurt.

Here's a 737-800 that landed in Portland on March 1 with its cargo bay door partly open. There were pets in the cargo compartment which should have been heated and pressurized, but they were reported to all still be alive. It's possible that this was a ground crew error and the door wasn't fastened correctly.

And here's another 737 Max whose landing gear collapsed today upon landing in Houston. I don't know if this was a structural defect or pilot error, the result of landing too hard.

While some/most of these problems probably weren't Boeing's fault and might be associated with declining aircrew and groundcrew standards, the bad publicity has their name on it and does the company no good.

RE: Poor Boeing Can't Catch a Break - Zinjanthropos - Mar 9, 2024

What’s that line you hear on just about every Mayday disaster? Paraphrasing…. “ because the crashed airliner was built by an American manufacturer, the NTSB was called in to help with the investigation”

NTSB must have an entire building with files on Boeing. A train I was on to Seattle from Vancouver went by the Boeing property which seemed endless. Remember seeing many of those AWACS planes parked behind fences, not far from the rails. Awesome sight.