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Full Version: Teacher segregated students based on religion + Rubio: Catholic doc saves capitalism
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North Carolina teacher suspended for segregating students based on religion: . . . as well as their stances on abortion and gay marriage, according to a new report. Julia Lopp, who teaches Spanish at South Johnston High School, first grouped the students based on their religious beliefs, and then questioned them about whether they supported or opposed abortion rights, WTVD reported. She then she asked them where they stood on LGBTQ rights and beliefs, according to The Johnston County Report.

She’s accused of verbally ridiculing students who said they believed in God, according to the report. Lopp also allegedly warned her students that if they reported her actions, she would “not recommend them for a job or even entrance to college,” WTVD reported. (MORE)

Marco Rubio thinks Catholic social doctrine can save capitalism: . . . The senator shared with me a 17-page working draft of a lecture he’s preparing to deliver on Tuesday to business students at the Catholic University of America. He gets quite philosophical for a politician...

[...] Marco Rubio said he believes the 128-year-old treatise [Rerum novarum] from the Vatican takes on fresh urgency against the backdrop of America’s great power competition with China, which is antagonistic to Christianity and human rights. “China is undertaking a patient, well-designed effort to reorient the global order to their advantage, but how can we possibly take on this challenge … if we do not first confront our crises at home? Because we are in a competition with a near-peer adversary with three times our population, we can’t afford to leave anyone behind,” he plans to say in his speech. “As Robert F. Kennedy did in 1968, we must once again accept the indivisible tie between culture and economics.”

The senator will call for an embrace of what he calls “common-good capitalism,” in which employers and workers seek to cooperate more than they do in the pursuit of mutual benefits. “We've lost this concept in American life that all of us have a series of rights and obligations,” Rubio said. “I think we’re all well versed on our rights, but the concept of obligation has gone away and oftentimes people forget that this also applies to the business sector.”

He presents his proposal as a corrective to the excesses of both parties. “The belief that economic policy is solely about maximizing the rights of business and GDP growth became conventional wisdom on the political right, and the belief that economic policy is solely about defending the rights of the workers against the greed of business owners has become the conventional wisdom of the political left,” he said. “For almost three decades now, our economic debate has boiled down to a false choice between these two misguided positions. The result has inflicted tremendous harm on Americans.”

The senator blames what’s known as “shareholder primacy theory” for a host of ills. He links a decline in the availability of ... dignified work ... to weakened families and communities. After all, people need to work more hours to make ends meet and therefore have less free time to participate in civic or church life. [...] “When dignified work is unavailable, men are hit especially hard, because something that is core to being a man – providing for your family – has been taken away.”

Rubio calls for government policies that disincentivize selfish corporate decision-making, such as imposing taxes on share buybacks, while rewarding investment in domestic manufacturing and new research. He also wants to change the tax code to expand the federal per-child tax credit and enact a paid family leave policy. Rubio said he’s trying to use his perch as chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship to revamp the Small Business Administration to channel more financing toward small manufacturers rather than “lifeless corporate conglomerates.”

“Our number one objective in economic policy should not simply be GDP growth or the performance of the stock market,” he said. “Our number one priority in our economic policy should be the creation of dignified work for Americans because of all the things that come and flow from that.”

Tuesday’s speech will build on an article Rubio wrote in August for a journal called First Things, which focuses on the intersection of religion and public life, about the purpose of economics. Rubio defended bringing his faith into a conversation about economics because he said it reinforces values such as respecting others, caring for the less fortunate, telling the truth and being courteous. He said Christianity and most other religious traditions instill “a lot of the things that people complain that we've lost in the crassness of this culture.”

[...] “There's no doubt that the election of Donald Trump has revealed things to people about the state of mind for many people in our country,” he elaborated. “For example, if you look at polling I’ve seen over the last couple of years, a growing number of Americans believe that those who are members of the opposite party aren’t just wrong. … They view them as a threat to the country. That sort of political tribalism I don't think is unique to Donald Trump. I think you see it on the other side as well. … It would be wrong to blame that on social media or the press, the president or the Democrats. The truth of the matter is that one reason why it’s happening is because a lot of Americans simply don't know people that are different than them politically.” Rubio said he fears the impeachment process will only worsen these trends.

[...] He said his advocacy for “common-good capitalism” is partly driven by polls showing growing receptiveness toward socialism, especially among younger voters. “Some politicians today entice us to embrace socialism, with the promise that only the government can provide us these things, but in practice that’s never how it works,” he will say in his speech on Tuesday. “Because a government that guarantees you a basic income is also one that decides where you work and how much you make. A government that promises you free health care is also one that decides who your doctor is and what care you’ll receive. A government that promises free college is also one that decides what school you must go to and what you are taught.” (MORE - details)
My HS French teacher segregated the class by putting the best looking girls with the shortest miniskirts in the front rows. Only the guys occupied the back of the class. At years end, every guy got the same mark/grade, a bare pass. All the front row girls scored high 90’s despite the fact most of them knew as much French as a bag of hammers. I never scored less than 80% on any test yet earned a D. Even two francophones sharing the back seats with me just made it.

Teachers back then still used sex as a means of segregation. We all knew it but didn’t care. Girls in the front rows knew what was going on and to their credit they worked it in their favour. I squawked about it to the principal at year end but they did a Pope thing and moved him to another school somewhere.