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My PM % of space is gettin high so i deleted a bunch of sent an received PM's but the % it says ive used didnt go down.???
It's possible that it's just a glitch in what's stated however there might of been a software change during an update that might not have gone smoothly.

In any event I'll see what I can find out and hopefully fix.

Edit: You should be able to store up to 100 messages in total.

Edit: Okay I've just had a look it's possible that a Task Event isn't triggered when a change is made to the number of PM's. This doesn't mean that the software hasn't made space, it's just it's not reporting the change straight away. It either likely requires the page to reloaded a couple of times to trigger the event or it will attempt to recalculate the value after an allotted time. (It could be 15-30 minutes or up to one hour)

In any case I've manually done a rebuild of PM statistics so it should say the correct percent now.
I deleted all the stuff in the in-folder an the sent-folder an the % didnt change... i then started deletin stuff in the trash-can an the % went down wit each deletion... finaly to Zero %... so the % used wont go down until the trash-can is emptied... i guess thats just the way it works... which is fine but good to know.!!!

I'm glad you worked out what was causing it.