(Aug 23, 2018 04:41 PM)Ostronomos Wrote: [ -> ]...what number was it?
Now take that number, divide it by the number of inches of darksidzz moms penis, and add it to the weight of Ralph the mouse's ass in ounces, what I arrive at is your current age to the tenth decimal place.
JamesR shut down that hilarious thread of mine before it saw the light of day.
"If an object sees the light of day, it is taken from the place where it has been hidden, and becomes publicly known."
It was in your head and then made public. Looks like it has had its day to me.
More daylight than it deserved.
(Aug 23, 2018 05:05 PM)Syne Wrote: [ -> ]More daylight than it deserved.
Jeez. You don't have to say it like that.
(Aug 23, 2018 04:41 PM)Ostronomos Wrote: [ -> ]...what number was it?
Now take that number, divide it by the number of inches of darksidzz moms penis, and add it to the weight of Ralph the mouse's ass in ounces, what I arrive at is your current age to the tenth decimal place.
JamesR shut down that hilarious thread of mine before it saw the light of day.
Quote:darksidzz moms penis
suggesting a female is a male as a form of insult is quite a sad statement of gender discrimination.
the american slang of insulting peoples mothers and the on going validation of sexual association to mothers as a form of comedy is indeed reverse psychology sexism to rienforce a sexist ideology.
how big someones ass is, is also a sexually motivated gender stereo typed angle of gender bias rienforcement.
why cant the fragile male ego stand having its mother insulted ? because the mother has become the proxy ego of the male child.
making this a joke does not change the freudian problem with the psyche of those generating or propogating the sexist narative.
the distance of seperation between how the stereo typed american male treats his mother Vs how he treats other women is deeply fraudian and extremely riddled with psychological psycho-sexual dysfuntion.
rienforced by many churches...
ive got chores to do.
culture is as it does
The purpose of the joke is to be offensive. You are putting too much emphasis on its importance. It was meant to appeal to popularity. Not to fuckin drive transgender individuals towards suicidal tendencies by their biologically determined preferences. It is meant to highlight the immaturity as a prized social attitude rather than a particular underhanded and surreptitious agenda.