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Full Version: NASA's Hiring! - Planetary Protection Officer - Protect Earth from Alien Life!
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A perfect job for MR!

The media are having fun with this one.

NASA's Office of Planetary Protection has a very informative website here:

The job announcement is here:

Planetary Protection seems to involve efforts to make sure that spacecraft do not carry Earth microorganisms to other planets, contaminating them. And conversely, making sure that spacecraft returning samples to Earth from other planets aren't carrying potentially dangerous extraterrestrial life, some analogue of our microorganisms. They say that NASA is obligated to do this due to federal requirements and international treaties.

Hopefully if they hire you, you get a cool green suit and a green power ring.
It's an important job. Somebody has to prevent those damn aliens from completely taking over. (Of course, judges would probably declare a travel ban illegal.)

[Image: Alien_vs_Predator_%282004%29_-_Alien.jpg]