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Full Version: Policies to lower veg and fruit prices.
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. -  "Dietary patterns that reduce fruit and vegetable prices by 10 percent through 2030 could lower the death rate from heart disease and stroke about 1 percent, saving about 64,000 to 69,000 lives over a 15-year period. A 30 percent price drop was modeled to be the most effective in saving lives - diminishing the death rate by almost 3 percent, saving between 191,000 and 205,000 lives over 15 years."

I think they underestimate.  I hear people say that fruits and vegetables are too expensive.  If I didn't have a discount produce shop close enough, just about all I could afford is carrots, cabbage, and kale from the supermarket.
Apart from fresh apples, tomatoes, potatoes, etc... Have pretty much gone to discounted or generic frozen packages of mixed vegetables, dark cherries, and frozen chopped kale / spinach, cauliflower, etc.
A couple of options can be available in some places.  For instance if you have your own garden and the time and effort you can "Grow your own".  In fact in recent years there's been a greater consideration towards hydroponics and aeroponics. From small scale projects like growing veg in a cupboard to larger deals like taking over "forgotten tunnels" in the heart of a city.  

In fact MIT's been busy with OpenAG.

further more there is something that we occasionally see in the UK (although dying a slow death) PYO (Pick Your Own) although maybe it will make a comeback if people are concerned about where they get what they eat or who is labouring for it.